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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 12:32:40

Look at the child over there.H______name is Jim Green.He is an English b___.He is my n_______friend.M______name is Liu Ying.
This is o______school.It's No.2 Middle S_______.My father is a t_______at the school. Jim is eleven .I'm twelve.He is in C_______Two.We are in the s________class.We like our school v_____much

It’s Sunday m___1_____. It’s a little cold. Sandy gets up very early. She puts on her white T-___2____ and dark blue p___3___ . She likes these two c__4____. She wants to go s___5______ with her mother because she w__6____ to buy some exercise b___7___. At 9:00, they are in a supermarket. There are a lot of p___8____ in the market. The c___9___(服务员) there are very f__10_____(友好的).

Hi! Welcome to Star&Star c___1____ store. Do you like s___2___(购物)? We have good sweaters at a very good p___3___. Do you like p___4_____ sports(做运动)? We have different balls and rackets. For w__5______, we have very beautiful dresses and skirts. For m__6___, we have nice suits(套装) and ties(领带). We a___7____(也) have schoolbags for school c___8____(孩子们). They are $19 e___9____. And that’s not all.Come and have a look for yourself and your f___10_____.

There are s__1____ students in my group. Sam’s birthday is in J___2____. It’s the first m__3____ of the year. Ruth’s birthday is in M__4____. It’s after Women’s Day . Jack was born on J__5___ 1. It’s also Children’s Day. Will and Tina were born in the t___6___ month---O____7_____. They are proud(自豪的) they have the same b___8____ as our country. My birthday is in the last month---D__9______. W__10___ is your birthday? Can you tell us?

There are 12 m___1_____ in a year. In different months, we have different e___2_____. Our school’s birthday is S___3_____ 1.it’s the n__4____ month of the year. So we have School Day in that month. There are C___5____ (圣诞节)and New Year’s Day in December. So we have Art F___6___ in the month. And we also have M___7____ Party. At the party we can listen to our f__8____ songs. W___9___ is our school trip? It’s in March or A___10.___.It’s spring. It’s warm.

O___1___ Sundays, we like g____2___ to the movies. My f___3_____ movies are t___4___. Some people think they’re scary but I like t___5___ very much. I don’t like d____6_______ because they are boring. But some people like them because they learn about h___7____ and other things. I o__8___ go to movies w__9___ my classmates. But now I’m very busy I don’t have t__10____ to see movies.

Hi! My name is Jack. I’m A___1_______. I’m from New York. Now I’m a s__2___ in China. I like Beijing O___3___ very much. I think I can l___4____ a lot about Chinese h___5____ from it. So I often go to watch it on w____6____with my Chinese friends. I f___7___in China young people don’t like it. I also like Chinese a___8__ movies, too. I r__9____ like the actor Jackie Chen. He is funny and he is also a very s___10_____actor in the world.

I have four good f__1____. They’re Jennifer, Victor, Cindy and Leila. We are in the s__2____(相同的) class. So we’re c___3______(同班同学), too. Jennifer swims very well, she wants to join the s____4____ club. Then she can swim on S___5____or Sundays. Victor wants to join the art club because he is good at p___6______. Cindy is a pop music fan. She can sing a lot of s___7___. So she wants to join the s___8____ club. Leila wants to join the music club because she p__9____ the violin very well. And she wants to be a m___10____ when she grows up(长大). I like them.

There are different c__1____(俱乐部) in our city. If you want to join them, you have to(必须) a___2___ for(申请) a form(表格) first. T__3___(然后) fill in the form w__4___ your personal information(个人信息) such as(例如) your name, your age and your a___5____(地址). Oh, don’t forget your t____6____ number. After you finish it, e__7____(发邮件) them and tell them w__8___ you can do at the same time. If you don’t have a computer, you c___9____ write a letter to them. But it’s a l__10____ slow(慢). You have to wait a long time.

I’m a m___1____ school student. I go to school e__2____ morning except(除了) S__3_____ and Sundays. My home is n__4___ the school so I w__5____ to school.. I have to g__6__ up early. School s__7____ at 4:30 pm. I u___8____ play basketball with my friends. I like it very much. I think Yao Min is the b__9___ player in China. I w__10___ I could be a good player like him.
I have a dream(梦想). I hope I have an interesting j__1__(工作) when I g___2___ up(长大). I work very long and sometimes I work very l___3____ but I can make a lot of m__4____. I have my own house. It’s beautiful. There is a park a___5____. I can t__6____ a walk and get r____7____ there after work. When I go out for a trip, I stay in a good h__8____ like a VIP(贵宾室). I can l___9___ to music when I work. I don’t n__10___(需要) to do any homework. It’s so boring. What a funny dream!
Maria is a r__1___ star in our school. She runs very fast and she eats a lot of h__2____ food. For b__3_____, she has bread and milk. She eats meat, v___4____ and rice for lunch. For supper, she likes meat ,rice and soup(汤). She often has some f__5___ after meals. She likes apples best. She is very b__6___(忙的)every day b__78____ she has many things to do. All t___8____ like her. They think she is a good student. At home she is a good d___9____ . She often helps her p__10____ do the housework.
In China if you are seven, you have to go to school. At school you learn different s____1___. S___2____ is one of them. We have three science classes a w__3___. They are on Tuesday, W____4_____ and Friday. We can learn a l__5___ in science classes. Mr. Jin is our science teacher. He wasn’t born here. He is from another big c___6___ named Haikou. He is a b___7____(生物学) teacher before. He knows much about plants. For e__8______, when is the best time to water flowers. He is very s___9___(严格的) with us. After science classes, we are so t__10____(累的).
Do you know Mexico?It is to the s________part of USA.It's not a d________country.The population of it is much smaller than t________of America.It rains l_________in Mexico.Different kinds of people live t________.All the people do not speak the same language.Spanish is spoken by m_________ people,and Indian is spoken,too.Some people canalso speak English.Great differences are found between the m_________cities and the countryside.New ways of l__________ are popular in the cities,while the old ways of farming and v_______life are also common in the countryside.More and more people come to live and work in the cities every year.Many people around the world are b_______ to visit Mexico
Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Thursday of November.It's one of the most i__ American h_____.
In my family,we always go to my grandmother's house o__Thanksgiving Day.All my aunts,uncles and cousins come together.We sometimes invite some friends t___ join us.Everyone is glad to meet other people.The women are busy h___ my grandmother.The men sit down to w____ a football match on TV.AT about four o'clock we have d____.After dinner,we talk or play games until it is t____ to go home.It is always difficult to l_____ because Thanksgiving Day is one of the few days of the year when the w____family get together
E_____ country has its favourite food.Italians like pizza.Indians like hot food.Japanese like to e____ fish.Often they don't cook it.
In England,one of the most popular kinds of food is fish and chips.People u_____ buy it in a fish and chip s_____.They put it in paper b____,and t______ it home or their workplaces.S______ they eat it on the road.It seems that American fast food is the most popular in the world.
In New York,Paris,London,and even some big c______ in China,you can find people eat hamburgers and chips.
Chinese food is also very p______ in the world.You canfind Chinese restaurants in many cities.Peoplr e______ Chinese food because it has different tastes and is usually very delicious.

1 His, 2 boy, 3 new, 4 My, 5 our, 6 Scool, 7 teacher, 8 Class, 9 same, 10 very
二1.morning 2.T-shirt 3.pants 4.colors 5.shopping 6.wants 7.books 8.people 9.clerks 10.friendly
三1.clothes 2.sweaters 3.price 4.playing 5.women 6.men 7.also 8.children 9.each 10.family

1.six 2.January 3.month 4.March 5.June 6.tenth 7.October 8.birthday 9.December 10.When

1.months 2.events 3.Septemer 4.ninth 5.Christmas 6.Festival 7.Music 8.favorite 9.When 10.April

1.On 2.going 3.favorite 4.thrillers 5.them 6.documentaries 7.history
8.often 9.with 10.time

1.American 2.student 3.Opera 4.learn 5.history 6.weekends 7.find 8.action 9.really 10.successful

1.friends 2.same 3.classmates 4.swimming 5.Saturdays 6.painting 7.songs 8.singing 9.plays 10.musician

1.clubs 2.ask 3.Then 4.with 5.address 6.telephone 7.e-mail 8.what 9.can 10.little

1.middle 2.every 3.Saturdays 4.near 5.walk 6.get 7.starts 8.usually 9.best 10.wish
1.job 2.grow 3.late 4.money 5.around 6.take 7.relaxed 8.hotel 9.listen 10.need
1.running 2.healthy 3.breakfast 4.vegetables 5.fruit 6.busy 7.because 8.teachers 9.daughter 10.parents
1.subjects 2.Science 3.week 4.Wednesday 5.lot 6.city 7.biology 8.example 9.strict 10.tired
1.\x09southern(南部的) 2.developed(发达的) 3.that(代指人口) 4.little(少) 5.together(一起) 6.most(大多数) 7.modern(现代化的) 8.life(生活) 9.village(乡村) 10.beginning(开始)
1.important 2.holidays 3.on 4.to 5.helping 6.watch 7.dinner 8.time 9.leave 10.whole
1.every 2.eat 3.usually 4.shop 5.bag 6.take 7.sometimes 8.cities
9.popular 10.enjoy