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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 16:21:57
\x09第一人称单数 \x09第二人称单数 \x09第三人称单数
Have \x09Have \x09Have \x09Has
Be \x09Am \x09Are \x09is
动词be 与 have(表示“拥有”):否定式直接把not放在动词之后,疑问式直接把动词放在主语之前,见下表:
否定式 \x09疑问式
Be \x09Have \x09Be \x09Have
I am not (I’m not)… \x09I have not (haven’t)… \x09Am i…? \x09Have i…?
You are not (aren’t)… \x09You have not (haven’t)… \x09Are you…? \x09Have you…?
He is not (isn’t)… \x09He has not (hasn’t)… \x09Is he …? \x09Has he …?
动词be 的否定疑问式和简单回答:
否定疑问式 \x09肯定回答 \x09否定回答
Am I not (aren’t i)…? \x09Yes, you are. \x09No, you aren’t
Are you not (aren’t you)…? \x09Yes, I am. \x09No, I’m not.
Is he not (isn’t he)…? \x09Yes, he is. \x09No, he isn’t
动词be 与 have(表示“拥有”):否定式直接把not放在动词之后,疑问式直接把动词放在主语之前,见下表:
否定式 \x09疑问式
Be \x09Have \x09Be \x09Have
I am not (I’m not)… \x09I have not (haven’t)… \x09Am i…? \x09Have I …?
You are not (aren’t)… \x09You have not (haven’t)… \x09Are you …? \x09Have you…?
He is not (isn’t)… \x09He has not (hasn’t)… \x09Is he …? \x09Has he …?
动词have(表示“拥有”) 的否定疑问式和简单回答:
否定疑问式 \x09肯定回答 \x09否定回答
Have I not (haven’t i)…? \x09Yes, you have. \x09No, you haven’t.
Have you not (haven’t you)…? \x09Yes, I have. \x09No, I haven’t.
Has he not (hasn’t he)…? \x09Yes, he has. \x09No, he hasn’t.
注意:have 作为行为动词则只能按照行为动词的规则变化.
否定式 \x09疑问式
I do not (don’t) study \x09Do I study
You do not (don’t) study \x09Do you study
He does not (doesn’t) study \x09Does he study
否定疑问句式 \x09简单回答(肯定/否定)
Do I not (Don’t I) study…? \x09Yes, I do. No, I don’t.
Do you not (Don’t you) study…? \x09Yes, you do. No, you don’t.
Does he not (Doesn’t he) study…? \x09Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.
由助动词be + 现在分词构成.其中be有人称和数的变化,有三种形式:第一人称单数用am, 第三人称单数用is, 其他用are.
现在进行时的否定式是:直接在助动词be后面加上not;疑问式是:把助动词be提到主语之前.以study 为例:
否定式 \x09疑问式
I am not studying \x09Am I studying?
You are not studying, \x09Are you studying?
He is not studying. \x09Is he studying?
一般过去时通常由动词过去式表示.一般过去时的否定式、疑问式和简单回答形式要用助动词do 的过去式did, 同时注意实义动词要用原形.以study 为例,其否定式、疑问式和简单回答形式如下:
否定式 \x09疑问式
I did not (didn’t) study…. \x09Did I study…?
You did not (didn’t) study…. \x09Did you study…?
He did not (didn’t) study…. \x09Did he study…?
否定疑问式 \x09简单回答 (肯定/否定)
Did I not (Didn’t I) study…? \x09Yes, you did. No, you didn’t.
Di you not (Didn’t you) study…? \x09Yes, I did. No, I didn’t.
Did he not (Didn’t he) study…? \x09Yes, he did. No, he didn’t.
由助动词be 的过去式 + 现在分词构成.其中be有人称和数的变化,第一、第三人称单数用was,其他用were.
This time yesterday, we were having an English lesson. 昨天这个时候,我们正在上英语课.
The teacher was giving us a lesson when Tom walked into the room.  老师在给我们上课时,汤姆走进教室.
While we were having supper, all the lights went out. 我们吃饭的时候,灯灭了.
He was reading while she was setting the table. 她摆桌子时,他在读书.
It was getting dark. The wind was rising. 天渐渐黑下来了.风势增强了.
2)过去进行时动词常用always, continually, frequently 等词连用,表示过去经常发生的行为.这种用法表明带有的感情色彩.例如:
The two brothers were frequently quarreling when they were young. 两兄弟小时候常吵架.
In Qing Dynasty, China was always making concessions to western powers. 清朝时,中国总是对西方列强妥协.
一律用had + 过去分词构成.
She told me she had been there three times before. 她告诉我她以前到过那里三次.(“去过”发生在“告诉”之前)
How long had he taught here by the end of last term? 到上学期末为止,他在这里教学多长时间啦? (“教学”发生在上学期末结束之前)
When we arrived, the football match had already begun. 我们到的时候,足球赛已经开始了.
She had visited China twice before she came this year. 她今年来中国之前已访问过中国两次了.
By the middle of last month, I had lived in Beijing for five years. 到上月中旬,我已在北京住了五年了.
By six o’clock they had worked for eight hours. 到六点为止,他们已工作八小时了.
When I came to Shanghai, he had been there for a long time. 我到上海时,他在那里很长时间了.
4)此外,过去完成时常用于 no sooner…than… 和 hardly(scarcely) …when… 这两个句型,前面部分用过去完成时,后面部分用一般过去时.例如:
No sooner had he stolen the purse than he was caught red-handed. = He had no sooner stolen the purse than he was caught red-handed. 他刚偷到钱包就被当场抓获.
Saddam had hardly realized what was happening when he was captured. = Hardly had Saddam realized what was happening when he was captured. 萨达姆还没有意识到在发生什么事情就被抓获了.
had been + 动词的现在分词.
When he came in, I had been trying to repair the TV for a couple of hours. 他进来的时候,我一直在努力修理电视机好几个小时了
The roads were dangerous. It had been raining for two whole days. 道路很危险.雨一直下了两整天.
They were tired because they had been digging since dawn. 他们累了,因为从天亮开始他们就一直在挖.
The boy was delighted with the new mountain bike. He had been hoping for one for a long time. 那男孩得到一辆新山地自行车很高兴.很长时间来他一直希望有一辆.
(1)shall/will + 动词原形
表示单纯的将来,不涉及主语的主观意愿.第一人称I, we用shall 或will,其余用will. 其否定式、疑问式和简单回答形式如下:
否定式 \x09疑问式
I shall/will not study…. \x09Shall I study…?
You will not study…. \x09Will you study…?
He will not study…. \x09Will he study…?
否定疑问式 \x09简单回答(肯定/否定)
Shall I not (shan’t i) study…? \x09Yes, you will. No, you won’t.
Will you not (Won’t you) study…? \x09Yes, I shall/will. No, I shan’t/won’t.
Will he not (Won’t he) study….? \x09Yes, he will. No, he won’t.
I shall be twenty years old next year. 我明年二十岁.
The sky is black. I think it will rain. 天黑下来了.我想可能会下雨.
You will meet him at the station this afternoon. 你下午会在车站碰到他.
The train will arrive soon. 火车快要到了.
When shall we see you next time? 我们下次什么时候能看见你呢?
He probably won’t go with us.  他大概不能和我们一起去.
1)shall, will的缩写形式为’ll, 如I’ll, you’ll, he’ll 和she’ll等.
2)will 用于第一人称时,可以表示将来的意愿、决心、允诺、命令等;shall用于第二、三人称时,可以表示说话人的将来的意愿.例如:
I will give you a new pen for your birthday. 我将送你一支新钢笔作为生日礼物.(允诺)
I will take the college entrance examination. 我将参加大学入学考试.(决心)
Shall I open the window?  我打开窗户好吗?(征求允诺)
You shall have the book as soon as I get it. 我一拿到书就给你.(说话人的允诺)
The enemy shall not pass.  决不让敌人通过.(说话人的保证)
I will do my best to help you.  我愿意尽力帮助你.(意愿)
Nobody shall be late for the meeting. 任何人开会都不能迟到.(说话人的命令)
(2)be going + 动词不定式
My brother is going to learn English next year.  我哥哥准备明年学英语.
I am going to meet Tom at the station at six. 我六点钟要到火车站去接汤姆.
She is not going to be there.  她不会到那儿去的.
When are you going to finish your work?  你的工作什么时候做完?
He is going to stay a week.  他准备呆一星期.
We are going to call a meeting to discuss it. 我们准备开个会来讨论一下.
Look at these black clouds?it is going to rain. 看这些乌云?要下雨了.
I think it is going to snow. 我看要下雪.
I am afraid I am going to have a bad cold.  恐怕我要得重感冒.
shall/will be + 现在分词
This time next week we shall be working in that factory. 下星期这时候,我们将在那个工厂劳动.
When I get up tomorrow morning, my mother will be getting breakfast for me. 当我明天早晨起床时,我妈妈将在为我准备早饭.
I will be seeing him next month.  我下个月将要见他.
Tomorrow we will be going to the village fair.    我们明天去赶集.
We will be taking our holiday at the seaside in July.  七月份我们要去海边度假.
(1)由should/would + 动词原形构成.第一人称用should; 第二、三人称用would.美国英语所有人称一律用would. should/would 的简略形式为’d, 如I’d, you’d; would not 和should not的简略形式分别为wouldn’t 和shouldn’t.
They asked me if I would go to Guangzhou soon. 他们问我是否很快要去广州.
She told me she would come again next week. 她和我说她下周还来.
I told him to leave immediately, but he wouldn’t. 我告诉他马上离开,但他不.
He’d play the violin when he was in low spirits. 他情绪低落的时候,就拉小提琴.
When I was in college, I would find a part-time job during the summer holidays every year to earn my tuition. 我上大学的时候,每年暑假都找份临时工挣学费.
shall/will + have + 过去分词
By seven o’clock this afternoon we shall have got to Shanghai if the train keeps good line. 如果火车运行正常,我们今天下午七点就到上海了.
Before bedtime Xiao Ming will have completed his work. 到上床睡觉的时候,小明会做完他的工作(或作业).
By February next year this foreign expert will have been here on this job for five years. 到明年二月,这个外国专家在这儿做这项工作就满五年了.
By Sept. 2008 Beijing will have held/hosted the Olympic Games.  到2008年9月,北京将举行完了奥运会.