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英语翻译My Chemical Romance的《The Sharpest Lives》PS.不只是把单词的意思罗列出来

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 13:24:18
My Chemical Romance的《The Sharpest Lives》
英语翻译My Chemical Romance的《The Sharpest Lives》PS.不只是把单词的意思罗列出来
well it rains and it pours 下着倾盆大雨
when you're out on your own 当你独自外出时
if i crash on the couch 如果我蹦到沙发上
can i sleep in my clothes?我能不能和衣而睡?
cause i've spent the night dancing 因为我整夜都在跳舞
i'm drunk 我醉了
i suppose 我猜是这样
if it looks like i'm laughing 如果我看起来是在大笑
i'm really just asking to leave.我其实只是在要求离开
this alone,you're in time fot the show 仅此而已,你的表演时刻到了
you're the one that i need 你就是我需要的人
i'm the one that you loathe 而我是你厌恶的那个人
you can watch me corrode like a beast in repose 你可以看着我腐败,就像安静的野兽
cause i love all the poison 因为我爱所有的毒药
away with the boys in the band 除开那些乐队的男孩
i've really been 我真的已经
on a bender and it shows 喝醉了,这很明显
so why don't you blow me a kiss before she goes?所以为什么在她行动前你不给我个吻
give me a shot to remember 给我个机会,让我记得
and you can take all the pain away from me 你可以带走我所有的痛楚
a kiss and i will surrender 一个吻,我便投降
the sharpest lives are deadliest to lead 最清晰的生活是最急切的引导
a light to burn all the empires 一束烧尽所有帝国的光
so bright the sun is ashamed to rise and be 如此耀眼,太阳都羞于升起
in love with all these vampires 与吸血鬼坠入爱河
so you can leave like the sane abandoned me 因此你可以理智般的抛弃我
there's a place in the dark where the animals go 黑暗中有一个动物们去的地方
you can take off your skin in the cannibal glow 你可以在噬人的光芒中褪去你的表皮
juliet loves the beat and the lust it commands 朱丽叶喜欢如此的节奏和它要的欲望
drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands 丢掉匕首,把你的手上涂满血
romeo 罗密欧
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