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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 06:19:40
成山头风景旅游区位于荣成市成山山脉最东端,故而得名成山头.成山头海拔200米,南北长2 公里,东西宽1.5公里,面积2.5平方公里.这里与韩国隔海相望,仅距94海里,是陆海交接处的最东端,是最早看见海上日出的地方,所以被誉为“太阳启升的地方”,又有”中国好望角“之称.成山头三面环海,一面接陆,群峰苍翠连绵,大海浩瀚碧蓝,峭壁巍然,巨浪飞雪,气势壮观,是理想的旅游避暑胜地.1988年,它被国务院批准为“国家级风景名胜区”.
Liu Granville Island is located in the Gulf population, from urban tourism Terminal 2.1 sea miles, travel by boat to reach 20 minutes. It faces the Yellow River Shuiyun pain, back then Granville azure bay, known as "unsinkable battleship" of. North Island South Liu steep relief, 4.08 kilometers from east to west, north and south the width 1.5 km, the narrowest 0.06 kilometers, 14.95 kilometers long coastline, with an area of 3.15 square kilometers, the highest mountain 153.5 meters above sea level. 10,000 ares Bihai Island East, Island West and the urban areas across the sea. Dense vegetation in the island, green and luxuriant, mainly in black, up to more than 2,700 acres, was named in 1985 for the National Forest Park. Liu island in 1999 was named the Ministry of Construction of "national scenic area of civilization."
Liu Island Attractions
Liu island for the state 4A-class scenic areas. Chinese Sino-Japanese War Museum, Exposition Liugongdao, Sino-Japanese War naval museum, Liu island national forest parks, attractions刘公庙. Weihai sea for the natural barrier of defense has an extremely important position.
Shidao Chishan Scenic Area
Shidao Chishan scenic spots for the state AAAA-class tourist attractions, the three major scenic spots is one of Weihai, is located in the largest fishing port in northern China - Shidao Hong Kong, a radius of 12.8 square kilometers.
Chishan, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period on the Yellow Sea雄峙, Shou Shidao squat to Hong Kong, South Korea and Japan in South Asia to communicate and merchants gathered together to become famous in northern China. Chishan to "Eastern Mountain", "Buddhist resort," "island folk", "Forest Park" and known for. Weihai available only temple of the Buddhist temples Millennium - France and China Institute; world Guanyin unique dynamic musical fountain square - Paradise Buddha sector; the world's largest statue锻铜, China's first sea statues - Chishan Myojin (San Ming dynasty Habitat); classic reproduction of fisheries in northern China Jiaodong folk culture and the history of things like changes in the Folk Museum - Folk Museum Rongcheng; account of the Korean national hero, maritime trade the life of Zhang Bao Gao Paul Gao Chang feat Museum biography; show profound Buddhist culture and the Japanese yen monk Hui Tang method to Chishan experienced Temple; Shandong Province, the largest category of natural stone exhibition hall - Ya Shi Shi-lian Museum, Jade Museum, such as the top ten landscape areas, and the establishment of the earliest temples north - Tin Hau Temple; rare natural wonders -仰天Buddha. Forest Park, marine park, bathing beach, Phoenix Lake, a fishing village, flower village, the village folk painting village even point into a line of beautiful, not only to accommodate the Buddhism and Taoism, the essence of Confucian culture, but also concentrates the Shanhai the ultimate scenery is "Mountain Landscape Tour" and "religious pilgrimage tours," "Island Folk Tour" and the "ecological leisure travel," the Shangri-la.
Weihai International Beach
Weihai International and Liu Beach Island, Chengshan and Weihai as the three major scenic spots, is also one of the best beach is a tourist resort, summer resort of convalescence.  Beach was founded in April 1992, the年接待游客million. Beach stone door is a sign of construction, it is a dolphin to the west, above, "the international beach," the six characters are well-known calligrapher Weihai autographed by Mr. Su Shengzi book. The east is a hippo, it's a positive with a mermaid carved, life-like, the back of the beach is an international profile, but also to write Mr. Su Shengzai and carvings.
Bathing beaches more than 2,800 meters from east to west, the beach area of 300,000 square meters, can accommodate 100,000 visitors. Acres around the beach and the sea pine相映成趣, beautiful.
Chengshan Scenic Area is located in Rongcheng Chengshan the easternmost mountain range, they are named Chengshan. Chengshan 200 meters above sea level, two kilometers long from north to south, east-west 1.5 kilometers wide, covering an area of 2.5 square kilometers. South Korea across the sea here,仅距94 sea miles, is the most land and sea at the eastern end of the junction, is one of the first places to see the sunrise at sea, so as the "Sun Kai or place", and "Cape of Good Hope in China" known. Chengshan is surrounded by sea and land side access, green mountain peaks, vast blue sea, cliff Weiran, snow waves, magnificent momentum, is an ideal summer resort tourism. In 1988, it has been approved by the State Council as a "state-level scenic spots."