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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 03:32:38
TAEKWONDO (Korean 태: 권 TAEKWONDO) is 도 English: by Japan karate word spreads tang hand evolved from the north Korean folk is prevailing/a series, is an application and technology of national traditional combat sports. It consists of product (see), combat capability, three parts inspection. Taekwondo is the innovation and development of a unique martial arts, has high self-defense self-defense and strong badies practical value. It is through the competition, quality and capability testing form, enables practitioner to enhance their physique, technical training, and persistence of character.
  In 1921 Funakoshi ways by hand tang (1869-1957) to Japan, because the Chinese people in Japan, in order to make a minimal demote called at the Japanese people can accept "minimal" culture, the tang Funakoshi then renamed hand way. Karate In 1980 HouTang hand way was Korean, Chinese taekwondo is mainly to WuShuLai enrichment.
  Nowadays, karate, judo and Japan in the world sports occupies an important, actually this is a Chinese, but also the contribution of ryukyu southern China wushu pride, taekwondo is China's most participants, north sent by the Chinese wushu economist complement, rich promotion, but the world, including the mainland media, which are classified as the karate, Japanese cultural essence, taekwondo for Korean culture essence, really dance zai mistakenly zai.
  Features with legs with taekwondo complementary, mainly lies in the hands of the participants
  The way of taekwondo is dominant participants in the whole application technology, participants in about 3/4 length of the legs, because the body is the longest and biggest, the second is the hand. There are various techniques of the legs, but high, low, close but can be far left, right, but can turn down, can direct spinning, WeiXieLi greatly, can the enemy is a practical method.
  Taekwondo spirit: etiquette, patience, self-disciplined, which indomitable. 跆拳道:(韩文:태권도 英文:TAEKWONDO)是由日本唐手道的空手道流传演化而来的朝鲜/韩国民间较普遍流行的一项技击术,是一项运用手脚技术进行格斗的民族传统的体育项目.它由品势(特尔)、搏击、功力检验三部分内容组成.跆拳道是创新与发展起来的一门独特武术,具有较高的防身自卫及强壮体魄的实用价值.它通过竞赛、品势和功力检测等运动形式,使练习者增强体质,掌握技术,并培养坚韧不拔的意志品质.
  1921年唐手道由 Funakoshi (1869 -1957) 带到日本,因为那年代日本人以把中国贬称为支那, 为了使当时的日本人能接受"支那"的文化,Funakoshi 遂把唐手道改名为空手道.1980年前后唐手道被韩国人改为跆拳道,主要是中国武术来充实.
  如今,空手道和日本柔道一样,早在世界体坛上占有重要一席,其实这是琉球华裔的贡献,也是中国南派武术的骄傲,跆拳道是中国北派腿法而已,大部分被中国武术学人补充、丰富推广,只可惜世人,包括大陆媒介在内都不知其实, 把空手道归类于日本的文化精髓,跆拳道为韩国的文化精髓,真是曲哉误哉.
  特点 跆拳道以腿为主,以手为辅,主要在于腿法的运用
  跆拳道持术方法中主导地位的是腿法,腿法技术在整体运用中约占3/4,因为腿的长度和力量是人体最长最大的,其次才是手.腿的技法有很多种形式,可高可低、可近可远、可左可右、可直可屈、可转可旋,威胁力极大,是实用制敌的有效方法 .
  跆拳道精神:礼义 廉耻,忍耐 克己,百折不屈.