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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 20:51:51
1-5 DCCAB 6-10 CCBAB
11-15 ECAGD 16-20 BADCA
21-25 CACBD 26-30 BCDDA
31-35 BADAB 36. offered
37. interested 38. is looking
39. what 40. to have
41. a 42. longer
43. it 44. education
45. really
One possible version:
There has been frequent smog in the last few months in many cities, which has caused great concern about air pollution.
What are the reasons behind the terrible weather? First of all, the number of cars has been on the increase in the last few years, and they produce too much poisonous gas. Second, a lot of rubbish is being burnt without following the rules. Besides, smoke and flying dust from chemical plants add to the problem.
It is time for us to take action to fight against air pollution. We should use buses more often instead of driving cars. Planting more trees can also help to improve the air quality.
Let's act now!
One possible version:
In October 2011, while I was driving my mobile phone rang. I thought about not answering, but it rang all the time so I picked it up. It was from Marishet Dires. He asked me if I still remembered the kid I met on the bridge in Ethiopia. I said of course I did. Then he asked me for my email address.
“I'll email you,” Marishet Dires said before the phone went dead. I wondered for a short time how that poor kid I met on the bridge now had a chance to use websites and mobile phones. A few days later, an email from Marishet Dires arrived. In the email, he wrote he was very pleased to be talking to me again! He said he tried many times to get in touch with me by email and telephone but it didn't work out until now. He didn't expect his phone call to get through. He told me that he is now studying to be a doctor in another place inAfrica. And last, he expressed thanks for the pen again.
A篇 (周围的人)
1. D.细节理解题.根据文中描写的第一个英雄Muelmar Magallanes的事迹:pulled 30 of his neighbors to safety ... the tired hero was lost in the water, and his body was discovered the next day以及被救孩子的母亲说的话He gave his life for my baby可知,Muelmar为了营救他人牺牲了自己的生命.
2. C.细节理解题.根据第二个英雄Tilly Smith的介绍:The English schoolgirl was walking on a beach in Phuket when she noticed the water was coming in ... 可知.
3. C.推理判断题.根据最后一段中描写Lampaseh村庄的五名女子海啸过后重建村庄的决心可知.
4. A.标题归纳题.根据文章第一段的they have also created heroes以及接下来叙述的三组英雄的英勇事迹可知,A项作标题贴切.
B篇 (节假日活动)
5. B.细节理解题.根据第一段的I believe I have an idea that will solve the town's money problems可知.
6. C.推理判断题.根据最后一段的People will gladly pay it. This is the only way to raise money for our new library可知,作者认为向人们收取门票费可以解决图书馆的资金问题.
7. C.推理判断题.Troy Henson在文章第一、二段提出自己的想法,第三段介绍其它办法,第四段叙述自己想法的可行性.由此可知,他写这封信主要是要提出一个合理的建议.
C篇 (健康)
8. B.细节理解题.根据第一段的reusable shopping bags sold by some supermarkets have high levels of lead, which can be dangerous to humans可知.
9. A.篇章结构题.根据第一段可知购物袋中的铅超标,因此,佛罗里达州的一家报社购买购物袋来检测其中的铅含量.故them在此指代bags.
10. B.细节理解题.根据第四段的Publix says that its bags don't break any laws about lead levels可知,Publix认为他们的购物袋的铅含量是在法律许可范围内的.

11. E.本段主要提醒滑雪者要配戴头盔,再结合Nate说的I went down one run that was pretty hard可知,E项“我摔了下去但我很庆幸自己当时戴了头盔”符合语境.
12. C.根据下一句I have a neighbor who let me borrow some of his gear可知,可以向他人借滑雪装备.
13. A.根据该段第一句The first time you try to stand on your skis or snowboard, it's going to be hard可知,对于初学者来说,摔倒在所难免.
14. G.根据前一句I fell down a lot可知,G项中的I fell down several times与文中形成对应.
15. D.根据Matt Rizer说的“第一天一直在简单的滑雪道上练习,第二天在朋友的帮助下才去稍难一些的滑雪道上”可知,D项“绝大多数初学者在最简单的滑雪道上练习数个小时”符合题意.

16. B.17. A.根据下文的Two days later when Erb was on his way back to ... 可知,Bob Erb两天后又来到了餐馆.
18. D.they were good burgers and fries和they weren't that good之间为转折关系.
19. C.根据上文的wrote him a check for $510,000以及下文开出这张巨额支票是为了帮助Luther可知,Erb心地善良.
20. A.根据下文的food banks, the old people等可知,Bob Erb把自己的钱捐给需要帮助的人.
21. C.根据上文的has been giving money to可知.
22. A.23. C.联系上下文可知,Erb出钱帮助了家乡那些付不起医疗费的人接受必要的治疗.
24. B.餐馆的员工Luther在给Erb端汉堡包时,聊到自己的女儿患有癌症.
25. D.根据下文的One of my children had cancer, too可知,Erb和Luther有着相似的经历.
26. B.子女患有癌症,当父母的肯定很担心.
27. C.28. D.Erb在回家的路上就决定要给Luther一笔钱.
29. D.根据上文的his 25-year-old daughter had just got cancer可知.
30. A.根据接下来描写在餐馆发生的事可知,Erb在餐馆稍作停留.
31. B.根据下文的because Erb had tipped him well just two days ago可知,Luther想为Erb买一个汉堡包.
32. A.根据下文的wrote the check可知,Erb问餐馆的老板要了一支笔.
33. D.根据上文的check可知,Luther看到巨额支票时激动地说不出话来.
34. A.虽然自己已经中了两千五百万的大奖,但Erb还在一家建筑工地干兼职工作.
35. B.通读全文可知,Erb很爽快就将自己的钱分给大家,没有前思后想.

36. offered.考查非谓语动词.因offer与job构成逻辑上的动宾关系,故用过去分词作后置定语.
37. interested.考查形容词.设空处作表语,且主语是You,故填interested(感兴趣的).
38. is looking.考查时态.根据here it is可知,此处应用现在进行时.
39. what.考查连接词.设空处在此引导表语从句,且在从句中作says的宾语,故填what.
40. to have.考查非谓语动词.be supposed to do sth.是固定搭配,故填to have.
41. a.考查冠词.mind在此意为“悟性,智力”,为可数名词,且表泛指,故填a.
42. longer.考查比较等级.由设空处所在句句意“如果我在现在的工作上再待得时间长点,我就没有任何思想了”可知,在此用longer.
43. it.考查代词.设空处指代salary且作主语,故填it.
44. education.考查名词.设空处与experience并列作主语,故填名词education.
45. really.考查副词.设空处修饰want,故用really.

1-5 BABBD 6-10 BDCBB
1. B.细节理解题.根据第一段的they are excellent copycats ... They copy what they hear most often可知,欧椋鸟擅长模仿声音.
2. A.词义猜测题.根据划线词后的starlings spend a lot of the year in groups可知,欧椋鸟是群居鸟类.故gregarious意为“群居的”.
3. B.推理判断题.根据第四段的His song tells other starlings, “This is my nest. Go away!” 和making himself ... more fearsome to his competition可知,雄性欧椋鸟的歌声可以用作警告.
4. B.细节理解题.根据第五段的They are just as happy to take over the big tree holes that other birds build可知.
5. D.写作目的题.文章主要从欧椋鸟的歌声特点、用处以及相关习性方面介绍了这一鸟类.由此可知,D项符合要求.
6. B.推理判断题.根据第一段最后一句“既然效仿压力较小的芬兰教育体系可以使英国教育体系更优秀,那为什么英国要效仿瑞典开设众多免费学校呢?”和最后一段最后一句“英国可以学到的东西很简单:选择.我们拥有的选择越多,我们就表现得越优异.”可知,作者对英国效仿瑞典持怀疑态度.
7. D.细节理解题.第三段谈到:在过去十年里,芬兰在TIMSS的得分直线下降.现在芬兰的八年级学生比1999年时的七年级学生表现还要差些,比得分最高的一些国家要差上很多.故选D项.
8. C.段落大意题.第四段主要讲了两层意思,一是Finland might not be so great after all,二是its educational system has still been competitive.由此可知,该段主要讲述了芬兰的教育体系利弊参半.
9. B.推理判断题.根据第四段的The choice is there以及第五段的In Finland, there is a lot to choose among schools可知,芬兰的学生们在求学方面有很广泛的选择.
10. B.细节理解题.根据最后一段的Finnish school system is competitive, which partly explains its success in PISA. Studies show that school choice lifts countries ... 可知,芬兰在PISA上取得优异成绩部分得力于它的学校选择体制.