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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 23:38:35
以下是我写的作文:The Musical Soul
The music likes sunshine that the sunshine shines through my heart. the heart which made from tears and ices, it'll gradually be changing back to the soft seawater
Each of music was contained an idea, when I had listened a music, I felt what the musician wanna tell me it felt like a lot of warm seawater around me. I felt that I fire the ices of my heart and I had seen the enthusiasm heart of musician.
every music was a present which the God sent to me when I was heard to cry by the ears of the God
the musical soul likes the flame and the water, wherever you are it sleeps in your heart.
再问: 标题是音乐之魂.
再答: 你的写作能力还是不错的。不过语法错误的很多,语法没学好啊你,建议你从最基本开始,单词,语法,句子结构,最后才是写文章。要一步步来。
再问: ...错在哪啊?我好改...
再答: Music likes sunshine that shines through my heart which is made of tears and ices, it'll gradually convert the tears and ices into the soft and warm seawater.
Every music contains an idea, when I listen to a music, I can feel what the musician and singer 《wanna是口语化的要改为 want to》 tell me ,it feels like a lot of warm seawater around me. I feels that I have melted the ices of my heart and seen the enthusiastic heart of the musician and the singer.
Every music is like a present which is sent to me by the God ,when I listen to it every time,I want to cry .the musical soul likes the flame and the water, wherever you are ,it‘ll always sleep in your inner heart.
再问: You are a big big genius for me,I mean I am proud of you?
再问: 还有可以问一下,为什么我英语语法会出问题?我可以和我的朋友交流啊...
再问: 是这样的,我数学很差,英语年级基本无敌,所以也没怎么看过语法,也不确定老师是否讲过,请问怎么学语法?