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英语翻译Daisy转过身发现一头大象正看着她  (turn around)Daisy如释重负的笑了出来(in

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 06:26:05
Daisy转过身发现一头大象正看着她  (turn around)
Daisy如释重负的笑了出来(in relief)
那个演员一直保护着他的儿子,不让他受到坏的书刊的影响(protect  from)
由于人类的活动,许多动物正在灭绝(die out)
一些野生动物正面临灭绝的危险,原因是热带雨林正受到破坏(in danger of)
从现在起,我们应该更加关注野生动植物的保护(pay attention to)
根据一份联合国的报道,在过去的500年,大约844种动植物灭绝了(according to)
英语翻译Daisy转过身发现一头大象正看着她  (turn around)Daisy如释重负的笑了出来(in
Daisy turned around to see an elephant was looking at her .
Daisy feel in relief to laugh out .
If the visitors to pay farmers,they would allow them to kill a certain number of animal .
You should pay more attention to our living rainforest and appreciate that animal is how to live together.
The actor has always protected his son from the bad books.
Due to human activities,many animal died out.
Some wild animal is in danger of extinction,because the rainforest is destroyed.
From now on,we should pay more attention to the conservation of wildlife.
According to a UN report,in the past 500 years,about 844 species of animals and plants extinct .