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英语翻译莱昂哈德·保罗·欧拉(Leonhard Paul Euler,1707年4月15日-1783年9月18日)是瑞士

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 17:22:54
莱昂哈德·保罗·欧拉(Leonhard Paul Euler,1707年4月15日-1783年9月18日)是瑞士数学家,物理学家和力学家,近代数学先驱之一,他一生大部分时间在沙皇俄国和普鲁士度过.
欧拉是18世纪杰出的数学家,同时也是有史以来最伟大的数学家之一.他也是一位多产作者.法国数学家皮埃尔·西蒙·拉普拉斯(Pierre Simon Laplace)曾这样评价欧拉对于数学的贡献:“读欧拉的著作吧,在任何意义上,他都是我们的大师”.
英语翻译莱昂哈德·保罗·欧拉(Leonhard Paul Euler,1707年4月15日-1783年9月18日)是瑞士
Leonhard Paul Luo Oula is a Swiss mathematician, physicist, and mechanics, one of the pioneers of modern mathematics, his life most of the time spent in Tsarist Russia and Prussia.
Euler number of areas of mathematics, including calculus and graph theory, have made significant discoveries. He introduced many of the mathematical terms and written formats, such as function notation "f (x)", still in use. In addition, he also mechanics, optics and astronomy and other disciplines have an important contribution.
Euler is an outstanding 18th century mathematician, is also one of the greatest mathematicians ever. He is also a prolific author. French mathematician Pierre Simon Laplace (Pierre Simon Laplace) had evaluated the contribution of Euler to mathematics: "Read Euler's work it, in any sense, he is our master."