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英语翻译feels anxious and pessimistic about the dark shade all d

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 12:43:05
feels anxious and pessimistic about the dark shade all day long,he can by no means have a comfortable and happy life.Examples like this are numerous,but I think the following one will be convincing enough.If
there is half a cup of water,the pessimist may cry over it because they have only a half,while the optimist may cheer for it because they
still have a half.Obviously,they will have different perceptions and
feelings toward the same life.There is no denying that,most optimists have a high happiness index,which can hardly be experienced by pessimists.Therefore,we must read our life with a positive
attitude.What‘s more,the optimistic attitude can infect others
strongly,meaning that we will find that all the friends around us are
optimistic if we observe them in the same perspective.As a result,an
atmosphere of optimism and happiness could be naturally set up.
Therefore,let’s keep the famous line of Shelley,the well-known poet,
in mind for ever,that is,“If winter comes,can spring be far behind?
英语翻译feels anxious and pessimistic about the dark shade all d
至于抽屉的目的而言,我认为他打算提醒乐观的重要性.感到焦虑和悲观的深色整天,他也没有办法有一个舒适,幸福的生活.像这样的例子有很多,但我认为下面的人会是足够的说服力.如果 有半杯水,悲观者可能会哭泣,因为他们只有一半,而乐观主义者会欢呼,因为他们 还有一半.显然,他们都会有不同的看法和 感情朝着同样的生活.但无可否认的是,最乐观者有很高的幸福指数,这很难被悲观者经历.因此,我们必须阅读我们的生活有积极的 态度.更重要的是,在乐观的态度能感染别人 强烈,这意味着我们会发现,我们身边所有的朋友都 乐观的,如果我们在同一个角度观察它们.其结果,一个 乐观和快乐的气氛,可以自然地建立起来.因此,让我们保持雪莱的名句,著名诗人,记住永远,那就是,“如果冬天来了,春天还会远吗?