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英语翻译Tommy is a student.He is always absent-minded in class.H

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 01:05:07
Tommy is a student.He is always absent-minded in class.His father and mother always tell him to listen to the teacher carefully in class.“Don't be absent-minded again.”His teachers think a lot to change him.“Look at us when you are in class.Don't be absent-minded.”Tommy answers,“OK.I will.”
One day Tommy is in the English class.He is looking out of the window and smiling.His English teacher asks the class,“Say two pronouns,please.Please answer my question.”Tommy looks at his teacher in surprise and stands up,“Who?Me?”“Good.Sit down,please.”
英语翻译Tommy is a student.He is always absent-minded in class.H
托米是一名学生.他上课总是心不在焉.他的父亲和母亲总是告诉他在课堂上注意听讲.“不要再心不在焉了.”他的老师为了改变他考虑了很多.“当你在课堂上的时候,眼睛看着我们.不要精力不集中.” 托米回答道:“好的,我会的.”
一天,托米在课堂上.他在笑着向窗外看.他的英语老师向班级提问说:“请说出两个代词.请回答我的问题.” 托米惊讶地看着他的老师,站了起来:“谁?” “很好.请坐“
哈哈 原来是个笑话