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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 12:33:56
We’ll get her X-rayed.我们将让她去透视一下.
I’ve heard him criticized many times.我听见他多次受到批评.
He felt a great weight taken off his mind.他感到心头轻松了许多.
She found the door locked.她发现门锁上了.
Keep your mouth shut and your eyes open.(谚语)少说话多观察.
One of the glasses was found broken.有一只玻璃杯发现破了.
They should be kept informed of what’s going on here.应让他们知道这里发生的情况.
The door was found locked.发现门锁上了.
I’ve had the stove lighted.我已让人把炉子生好.
Please have the note sent to Mr.Patterson.请让人把这封信送给派特森先生.
We must get the paper signed.我们必须请人把这份文件签好.
I’m trying to get the book published.我正设法让人把这书出版.
He had his pocket picked.他遭到扒手扒窃.
The pilot has his plane hijacked.飞行员遭到劫机.
He has got his wrist broken.他的手腕骨折了.
I can’t get the car started.这车我起动不了啦.
Did you get the picture finished in time?你及时把画画好了吗?
1) She’s having her eyes tested.
2) I have heard it said that he was a national hero.
3) What made you so frightened?
4) He hated to see any bird killed.
5) We can’t get the machine started.
6) How would you like it (your hair) cut?
7) We want the work finished by June.
8) I’ve just had some photos taken.
9) We had the door painted last week.
10) He intended to have his daughter educated in England.
1) Go and get your hair cut.
2) You will have to get that tooth filled.
3) I ought to get my shoes shined this afternoon.
4) He meant to get this place tidied up.
5) She got her fingers caught in the door.
6) Why don’t you have that suit cleaned?
7) He had his fingers burned last night.
8) She thought of having her hair waved.
9) I had my watch stolen.
10) He wouldn’t have anything said against her.