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英语翻译熟谙时尚圈,一定不会对这句百年以来被奉为圭臬的经典名言感到陌生.而“less is more”也一直是香奈儿女士

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 12:22:36
熟谙时尚圈,一定不会对这句百年以来被奉为圭臬的经典名言感到陌生.而“less is more”也一直是香奈儿女士的美学准则之一.在她眼里,相对于那些繁复的装饰,简单而自然的美丽,更让她为之倾倒.这样的美学态度在香奈儿的设计中得到了极致的体现.无论是优雅精致的软呢夹克外套,还是经典的2.55手袋,都以其简单的外观线条与极尽细腻的手工艺为人称颂.也因此,香奈儿的双C标志成为简约美感的代名词.时至今日,“less is more”的搭配守则依然为众多明星名流所恪守.如何利用简单的搭配元素,穿出趣味和高级感,成为时尚圈的必修课.
英语翻译熟谙时尚圈,一定不会对这句百年以来被奉为圭臬的经典名言感到陌生.而“less is more”也一直是香奈儿女士
Mastering fashion world,certainly not on this quote of the century-is look up to as the standard for classic new."Less is more" has been one of Ms Chanel aesthetic guidelines.In her eyes,for those complicated decor,simple and natural beauty,she was more head over heels.Such aesthetic attitude is best reflected in the Chanel design.Whether elegant,delicate,soft jacket coat,is a classic 2.55 handbag,with its simple lines and make the appearance of the delicate craft of praise.As a result,Chanel double c symbol become synonymous with simple beauty.Today,the "less is more" matching code remains for many star celebrities have stuck to it.How to use a simple mix of elements,wear a sense of fun and high,a required course for the fashion industry.