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1.As soon as you get home from school,think about the order

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 06:10:14
1.As soon as you get home from school,think about the order _____ you will do your homework assignments and how much time you'll spend on each one.
A.of which B.at which C.through which D.in which
2.____the news,so far,has been good,there may be days ahead when it is bad.
A.Regardless os B.Because of C.While D.Since
3.A huge amount of oil was split on the road,the effects of it____.
A.are still felt B.still feeling C.still felt D.is still feeling
4.____,the desighers decided to have a celebration.
A.The job done B.Doing the job C.To do the job D.To have the job done
5.Our house____white,we like it better.
A.painted B.has been painted C.being painted D.to be paited
6.He expected ____be a party,but he was disappointed.
A.being B.will be C.to be D.be
7.How do you like the ____that children be sent abroad to study.
A.idea B.view C.opinion D.suggestion
8.Susan was expecting her favorite singers,but to her dissappointment,____ appeared.
A.some B.none C.everyone D.no one
9.I'm surprised at someone so rich____difficulty in paying what he owes you.
A.as to have B.who has no C.having D.that he has no
10.The school life he was used ____.
A.to change B.to changing C.changed D.to has changed
11.When you mak the decision,____all the opinions of the members on the committee for many heads are better than one.
A.weighing B.weighed C.to weigh D.weigh
12.I was close to being killed the other day.A car passed me at____I thought was a dangerous speed.
A.as B.shich C.what D.that
13.Jim stepped inside the door with his eyes ____upon Della and his hands____.
A.fixing;trembing B.to fix;to tremble C.fixed;trembling D.fix;tremble
14.____ buy so beautiful a car.
A.Where do you imagine can I B.Where do you imagine I can
c.How do you imagine can I D.When do you imagine can I
15.I ____to help you with your homework but I couldn't spare any time.I____a composition last night and I'll finish it today.
A wanted,have been writing
B.have wanted,wrote
C.had wanted,wrote
D.had wanted,was writing
16.We would join them for dinner ____ us to.
A.should they ask B.shall they ask C.if they ask D.whether they ask
17.The fire would have been prevented ____you cut off the electricity immediately.
A.if B.should C.were D.had
18.Is this hotel ____you stayed that night?
A.the one B.at which C.where D.the one which
19.What is most obvious in this book are all those details of daily living which make Mrs.Richard ____common.
A.nothing but B.anything but C.above all D.rather than
20.With everything ____,he left the supermarket happily.
A.needed buying B.needing to buy C.needed bought D.needing buying
21.She managed to save____she could out of her wages to help her mother.
A.how little money B.so little money C.such little money D.what little money
22.That trumpet player was certainly loud.But I wasn't bothered by his loudness ____by his lack of talent.
A.so much as B.rather than C.as D.than
(第2题A项“Regardless of";第4题题干"designers";第6题题干第一个横杠前"there";第11题题干"mak"后加"e"是"make";第12题B选项是"which")
1.As soon as you get home from school,think about the order
1.D(do sth in order按顺序做某事)
6.C(to be)
8.B(none of her favouratie singers appeared,应该是他喜欢的人一个没去,不是所有人都没去)
10.D(别把to和后头的连起来,he used to/has changed)
12.C(i thought插入成分,what is a dangerous speed,what做主语)
15.D(虚拟语气,had planed,had wanted本打算,本想.)
17.D(虚拟语气变形,if you had done...=had you done...)
18.C(这里可也选个表语从句即where,也可选the one in which这项,即视为定语从句,this hotel is where./is the one in which ...stay.)
19.B(anything but common一点也不平常)
21.D(save what (little money) she could,little money可以看作插入成分来对待)