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英语翻译《易经》贲卦的象辞上讲:“刚柔交错,天文也;文明以止,人文也.观乎天文以察时变,观乎人文以化成天下.” 北京有着

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 10:42:33
《易经》贲卦的象辞上讲:“刚柔交错,天文也;文明以止,人文也.观乎天文以察时变,观乎人文以化成天下.” 北京有着三千余年的建城史和八百五十余年的建都史,在历史上曾为六朝都城,从燕国起的2000多年里,宏伟壮丽的宫廷建筑、绵延婉转的胡同文化、字正腔圆的京剧唱腔、瑰丽迷人的燕京八景,帝都文化在此诠释.品北京文化、扬中华精髓;关乎人文,化成天下.
英语翻译《易经》贲卦的象辞上讲:“刚柔交错,天文也;文明以止,人文也.观乎天文以察时变,观乎人文以化成天下.” 北京有着
According to the Book of Changes,it is natural that a man and a woman come together,and It is cultural that that man and that woman come together to make a family.Where nature and culture meet out comes the human world.
Beijing has had a history of over 3,000 years of city building and that of more than 850 years of capital building.In history,Beijing was where the Six Dynasties had it as their capital city,and in the 2,000 years after the Kingdom of Yan,the magnificent palatial houses,the never-ending hutong culture,the typical rhyme scheme of Beijing opera,the eight great charming scenes of Beijing and the imperial city culture were all brought up here.
Taste the Beijing Culture so as to go on with the China Essence.Care for the culture so as to
see a harmonious human world.