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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/25 18:28:28
个八十岁老头带着新娶的妻子去医院,被告知夫人有喜,老头很高兴!医生说:听我讲个故事好吗?一个猎人打完所有 子弹 走在回家的路上,突然从树林里扑来一只老虎,猎人下意识的举起猎 枪扣动了扳机,只听砰的一声猛虎应声倒地.老头赶紧插话道:肯定是旁边有人开了枪.医生:对…
A eighty-year-old old man with a new wife to the hospital,was told that lady happy,old man is happy!The doctor say:listen to me tell a story?A hunter after all the bullet went on the way home,suddenly came from the woods a tiger,the hunter knee-jerk lift hunting gun pulled the trigger,listen to with a bang where tigers to fall on the ground.The old man hurriedly interrupted to say:sure is someone is fired.Doctor:right...