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高中英语求解,1With the percentage of people over aged 65 expected

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 00:34:40
高中英语求解,1With the percentage of people over aged 65 expected to nearly double by 2050【请问为什么要加with去掉可以么,能否将with改为as
2That means making some difficult decisions with elderly patients and going against the misguided belif that when it comes to health care,more is always better.【going against什么意思,为什么要加在这里?】
3One-Year-Old Catch of a baby are [of] unique Chinese characteristic.【括号里为什么要加of?】
高中英语求解,1With the percentage of people over aged 65 expected
 With the percentage of people over aged 65 expected to nearly double by 2050 这是从句,后面 还有一个主句.with引导的从句表示一种伴随状态,有点“基于...情况”的意思.不能用as代替,as表示因果关系.

going against意思是 违背,不符合 的意思. That means (making some difficult decisions with elderly patients) and (going against the...) 两个括号里的内容都是动词means的宾语.类似的例子还有,that means leaving home and betraying my parents.那就意味着离开家并背叛我的父母.
of unique Chinese characteristic.意思是具有中国特色.
of+名词的用法很常见,类似的还有:this problem is  of  great importance.这个问题具有重要意义.of  great importance= very  important  ,This stone is of big value.这块石头价值巨大.of big value= very valuable 

欢迎追问和  采纳哦
再问: going against the misguided belif that when it comes to health care,more is always better.这一句子应该怎样翻译? One-Year-Old Catch of a baby 那这里的of表示什么意义,另外请问句子里什么情况应该加of?
再答: One-Year-Old Catch of a baby 的意思 宝宝的抓周。One-Year-Old Catch意思是抓周。 of这里是表示所属,领属的意思。 of用法很常见,如下: The library of our school is great!我们学校的图书馆太棒了!图书馆属于学校,就用of。 the leg of the table is broken。桌子的腿坏了。 欢迎追问和采纳!
再问: going against the misguided belif that when it comes to health care,more is always better什么意思
再答: 违背 那种关于医保“越多越好”的错误想法 。 整句翻译: 那就意味着 对老年患者做出艰难的决定 并 违背 那种关于医保“越多越好”的错误想法 。 欢迎追问和采纳!