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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/09 03:31:12
晋灵公不君(1).厚敛以雕墙(2).从台上弹人,而观其辟丸也.宰夫胹熊蹯不熟(3),杀之,寘诸畚(4),使妇人载以过朝(5).赵盾、士季见其手(6),问其故,而患之.将谏,士季曰:“谏而不入(7),则莫之 继也.会请先,不入,则子继之.”三进及溜(8),而后视之,曰: “吾知所过矣,将改之.”稽首而对曰:“人谁无过?过而能改,善莫大焉.《诗》曰:‘靡不有初,鲜克有终(9).’夫如是,则能补过 者鲜矣.君能有终,则社稷之固也,岂惟群臣赖之(10).又曰:‘衮职有阙,惟仲山甫补之(11).’能补过也.君能补过,衮不废矣(12).”
犹不改.宣子骤谏(13),公患之,使鉏麑贼之(14).晨往,寝门辟矣(15),盛服将朝(16).尚早,坐而假寐(17).麑退,叹而言曰:“不忘恭 敬,民之主也(18).贼民之主,不忠;弃君之命,不信.有一于此,不如死也!”触槐而死.
  秋九月,晋候饮赵盾酒(19),伏甲(20),将攻之.其右提弥明知之(21), 趋登(22),曰:“臣侍君宴,过三爵(23),非礼也.”遂扶以下.公嗾夫 獒焉(24).明搏而杀之.盾曰:“弃人用犬,虽猛何为!”斗且出.提 弥明死之(25).
  初,宣子田于首山(26),舍于翳桑(27).见灵辄饿(28),问其病.曰: “不食三日矣!”食之(29),舍其半.问之.曰:“宦三年矣(30),未知母之存否.今近焉,请以遗之(31).”使尽之,而为之箪食与肉(32),置诸橐以与之(33).既而与为公介(34),倒戟以御公徒,而免之.问何故,对 日:“翳桑之饿人也.”间其名居,不告而退.遂自亡也.
  乙丑,赵穿攻灵公于桃园(35).宣子未出山而复.大史书曰(36): “赵盾弑其君.”以示于朝.宣子曰:“不然.”对曰:“子为正卿, 亡不越竟,反不讨贼(37),非子而谁?”宣子曰:“乌呼(38)!《诗》曰: ‘我之怀矣,自诒伊戚(39).’其我之谓矣.”
晋灵公不行君道,大量征收赋税来满足奢侈的生活.他从高台上用弹弓射行人,观看他们躲避弹丸的样子.厨师没有把熊掌炖烂,他就把厨师杀了,放在筐里,让官女们用车载经过朝廷.大臣赵盾和士季看见露出的死人手,便询问他被杀的原因,并为晋灵公的无道而忧虑.他们准备规劝晋灵公,士季说:“如果您去进谏而国君不听,那就没有人能接着进谏了.让我先去规劝,他不接受,您就接着去劝谏.”士季去见晋灵公时往前走了三次(伏地行礼三次,晋灵公假装没有看见他),到了屋檐下,晋灵公才抬头看他,并说:“我已经知道自己的过错了,打算改正.”士季叩头回答说:“哪个人能不犯错误呢,犯了错误能够改正,没有比这更大的好事了.《诗·大雅· 荡》说:‘没有谁向善没一个开始的,但很少(有人)能坚持到底.’如果这样,那么弥补过失的人就太少了.您如能始终坚持向善,那么国家就有了保障,而不止是臣子们有了依靠.《诗·大雅·烝民》又说: ‘周宣王有了过失,只有仲山甫来弥补.’这是说周宣王能补救过失. 国君能够弥补过失,君位就不会失去了.”
九月二十六日,赵穿在桃园杀掉了晋灵公.赵盾还没有走出国境的山界,听到灵公被杀便回来了.晋国太史董狐记载道:“赵盾弑杀了他的国君.”他还把这个说法拿到朝廷上公布.赵盾说: “不是这样.”董狐说:“您身为正卿,逃亡而不出国境,回来后又不讨伐叛贼,不是您杀了国君又是谁呢?”赵盾说:“哎!《诗经》中 说:‘由于我怀念祖国,反而自己找来了忧患.’这话大概说的是我吧.”
孔子说:“董狐是古代的好史官,记载史事的原则是直言不讳.赵盾是古代的好大夫,因为史官的记事原则而蒙受了弑君的恶名. 可惜啊,如果他出了国境,就会避免弑君之名了.”
JinLing no monarch, a large number of levy taxes to meet the life of luxury. He from high on the stage with a slingshot shot pedestrians, watch them to avoid the appearance of the projectile. The chefs do not PAWS boiled up, he had killed the cook, put in the basket, let officer women use the car after the court. Secretary Zhao Dun season and then see the death of people, and asked the reason why he was killed, and instead of worrying about JinLing male inhumanity. They are prepared to persuade JinLing male, season and said: "if you go to king did not listen to remonstrate, that no one can then good. Let me first go to persuade, he didn't accept, immediately after the admonition to you." Season and when I went to see JinLing male go up three times (salute voldemort three times, JinLing pretended not to see him), under the eaves, JinLing didn't look up at him, and said: "I already know their own fault, intends to correct them." Season and kowtow replied: "which one can make no mistake, will be able to correct the mistake has been made, there is no greater good." poem, jedaiah, swings, "said: 'no one not a start for the good, but very few (someone) can stick it out.' if so, then make amends are few and far between. You can always adhere to the good, so countries have security, and have to rely on more than just a detained." poem, jedaiah, Zheng people say again: 'Zhou Xuanwang have fault, only ZhongShanFu to make up.' this is said Zhou Xuanwang can remedy faults. The monarch to make amends, gentleman who will not lose."
But JinLing and still not correct. Zhao Dun again many times the admonition, bore JinLing male, JinLing male sent 鉏 Ni to kill Zhao Dun. 鉏 Ni went Zhao Dun home early in the morning, I saw the door of the bedroom open, Zhao Dun wear dress ready to court, it's early, he sat and nap. 鉏 Ni back out, exclamation, and said, "time don't forget to respect the monarch (the loan on time), it was the support of the people! Kill the support of the people, this is cheating, breaking the orders of the monarch, it's broken. Not of the letter have violated infidelity, it is better to go to hell!" Hence, 鉏 Ni a bump on the locust tree died.
Autumn in September, please Zhao Dun JinLing male drink, ambush in advance under the warrior, ready to kill Zhao Dun. Zhao Dun driver ask Ming found the plot, and quickly took to the hall, said: "the liegeman to accompany the king, was not a long wine lead three cruise, improper." So he helped Zhao Dun up down the hall. JinLing public calls out of the fierce dog to bite Zhao Dun. Mention "Ming come forward to fight with his hands, and killed the fierce dog. Zhao Dun said: "don't choose and employ persons, but with the dog, even fierce, what's the use!" Both of them and ambushes warrior side dozen edge retreat. As a result, the "Ming for Zhao Dun died.
At the beginning, the first yangshan Zhao Dun to hunting, live in the "mulberry. He saw a man called spirit needs to faint, then ask his illness. Works, the spirit said: "I haven't eat for three days." Zhao Dun give him something to eat, he left half. Zhao Dun asked reason, works, the spirit said: "I do servants have three years to the noble, don't know whether mother live in the home. Near home now, please allow me to leave this half to her." Zhao Dun let he ate the food, the other for he has prepared a basket of rice and meat, put in my pocket for him. Soon the JinLing male warrior spirit needs to do, he reversed the weapon in the fight against JinLing people, to escape Zhao Dun. Zhao Dun asked him why to do this, he replied: "I am hungry in" SAN." Zhao Dun ask his name and residence, he didn't answer is retreating. Zhao Dun himself fled.
On September 26th, wear in taoyuan killed JinLing and zhao. Zhao Dun haven't incoming mountain boundary, hear spirit and killed back. State of jin seeks dong fox stated: "Zhao Dun Remus king kill him." He also take this to court. Zhao Dun said: "not." Dong fox said: "you are a qing, fled without incoming, after come back again not punitive PanZei, not monarch who kill you?" Zhao Dun said: "ah!" the book of songs ", said: 'because I miss the motherland, instead of your own to the suffering.' said this about me."
Confucius said, "dong fox is a good official historian, the ancient records of both principle is outspoken. Zhao Dun is a good doctor in ancient times, because the official note principle and suffer the stigma of regicide. Alas, if he is out of the border, will avoid the name of regicide."
Zhao Dun sent to wear to a week to meet jin prince zhao black hips, made him king. October 3, childe black hip to worship the designated temple