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where the graduates will go when they graduate from school 这

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/28 19:25:30
where the graduates will go when they graduate from school 这句话有没有语病?
打错了,我这句话是一般句,不是疑问句。结尾是句号,不是问号。where the graduates will go when they graduate from school。
where the graduates will go when they graduate from school 这
where the graduates will go when they graduate from school.这句话单独存在讲不通,这是一个名词从句,可以做主语、宾语、表语.
例如:Please tell me where the graduates will go when they graduate from school.(宾语)就成立了.或Where the graduates will go when they graduate from school is not decided yet.(主语)
What they are worried about is where the graduates will go when they graduate from school.(表语)
若想单独存在,可以改为疑问语序:Where will the graduates l go when they graduate from school?
再问: As is vividly betrayed in the cartoon ,where the graduates will go when they graduate from school。 这句话全部是这个,您再受累看看通不通。
再答: 正如卡通里生动地揭示出的,学生们(毕业生)毕业之后将何去何从. 很明显是as引起的定语从句,而where句为名词性从句,相当于一个名词而已,但是as引起的定语从句放在开头一般修饰一个句子,不单独修饰名词,所以这句子仍不通, 如果改为It is vividly betrayed in the cartoon ,where the graduates will go when they graduate from school。where 句做主语从句(it为形式主语)就可以了
再问: 谢谢您,这句话是我在考研作文里写的,您估计这个错误影响大吗?
再答: 不仔细看的话根本看不出来,可以放心