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英语翻译我想要Anthem for Doomed Youth 这首诗的原文和翻译.是Wilfred Owen写的.

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 17:40:33
我想要Anthem for Doomed Youth 这首诗的原文和翻译.是Wilfred Owen写的.
英语翻译我想要Anthem for Doomed Youth 这首诗的原文和翻译.是Wilfred Owen写的.
Only the monstrous anger of the guns.只有滔天愤怒的枪.
Only the stuttering rifles' rapid rattle只有口吃步枪快速脆裂
Can patter out 3 their hasty orisons.4可以胡言乱语了3他们仓促orisons .4
No mockeries 5 now for them; no prayers nor bells;没有mockeries 5现在为他们祈祷,也没有钟;
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs,–也没有任何声音的哀悼保存合唱团,-
The shrill,demented 6 choirs of wailing shells;的尖叫,疯狂6合唱团的哭壳;
And bugles 7 calling for them from sad shires.8和军号7 ,要求他们从悲伤夏尔斯.8
What candles 9 may be held to speed them all?什么蜡烛5月9日举行,以加速他们的所有?
Not in the hands of boys but in their eyes并不掌握在男孩,但在他们眼里
Shall shine the holy glimmers of goodbyes.应服务罗马微弱的告别.
The pallor 10 of girls' brows shall be their pall;苍白10女孩眉毛应他们的阴影;
Their flowers the tenderness of patient minds,他们花了温情的病人头脑,
And each slow dusk 11 a drawing-down of blinds.12和每一个缓慢的黄昏11绘图式的百叶窗.12 A 字母a
September - October,1917 9至10月,1917年
Notes for students注释学生
1 Anthem - perhaps best known in the expression "The National Anthem;" also,an important religious song (often expressing joy); here,perhaps,a solemn song of celebration 1国歌-最出名的可能是在表达“国歌” ;另外,一个重要的宗教歌曲(通常表达喜悦) ;在这里,也许,一个庄严的回归颂
2 passing-bells - a bell tolled after someone's death to announce the death to the world 2结业钟声-钟钟声后,某人的死亡宣布死亡世界
3 patter out - rapidly speak 3胡言乱语了-迅速发言
4 orisons - prayers,here funeral prayers 4 orisons -祈祷,祈祷在这里葬礼
5 mockeries - ceremonies which are insults.5 mockeries -仪式这是侮辱.Here Owen seems to be suggesting that the Christian religion,with its loving God,can have nothing to do with the deaths of so many thousands of men这里欧文似乎暗示基督教派,其热爱的上帝,可没有任何关系的死亡,使成千上万的男人
6 demented - raving mad 6疯狂-疯
7 bugles - a bugle is played at military funerals (sounding the last post) 7军号-一个号角发挥军事葬礼(探空过去后)
8 shires - English counties and countryside from which so many of the soldiers came 8夏尔斯-英语县和乡村从如此多的士兵
9 candles - church candles,or the candles lit in the room where a body lies in a coffin 9蜡烛-教堂蜡烛,或点燃蜡烛的房间里的一个机构是棺材
10 pallor - paleness 10苍白-苍白
11 dusk has a symbolic significance here 11日黄昏了这里的象征意义
12 drawing-down of blinds - normally a preparation for night,but also,here,the tradition of drawing the blinds in a room where a dead person lies,as a sign to the world and as a mark of respect.12绘图式的百叶窗-通常是准备晚上,而且,在这里,传统的绘画窗帘在房间里死的人的谎言,作为一个符号,作为世界的尊重.The coming of night is like the drawing down of blinds.夜晚的到来就像是取用百叶窗.