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英语翻译“I’m really thankful to our government,for it provides u

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 16:27:04
“I’m really thankful to our government,for it provides us with such a good training program.The training greatly helps us live well.I will certainly study hard and learn the skills.Then I can (41) my family difficulties and do good to other people.” a learner on the job training program said,feeling (42) .
The learner’s grandfather is nearly 80 years old,and has mother is (43) in bed.So his father,who is a farmer,is the main (44) of the family.The family is poor.The learner graduated from high school and did not (45) the college entrance exam.The job training program helps him learn the skills that he’ll (46) in the work place.
The story reminds me of another (47) .It goes like this:Once upon a time,there was a man who liked fishing very much,and was (48) to catch lots of fish every day.The man was a kind-hearted person,so he always (49) his fish with his neighbors who did not know how to fish.One day,he thought that it would be (50) if he taught them how to fish.So he (51) his neighbors together and showed them how to fish.Everybody was very happy that they could (52) the fish they themselves caught.
At present,there are still a lot of poor people throughout the world.But it’s not good if we give only (53) to them.(54) ,we should give them a chance to learn new skills.Therefore,a technical training is very important to people in need,and the will learn the ability to (55) money.People can learn a lot of useful things in the training program and what they learn can help them on the way to find jobs.
英语翻译“I’m really thankful to our government,for it provides u
“I’m really thankful to our government, for it provides us with such a good training program. The training greatly helps us live well. I will certainly study hard and learn the skills. Then I can (41) my family difficulties and do good to other people.” a learner on the job training program said, feeling (42) .
The learner’s grandfather is nearly 80 years old, and has mother is (43) in bed. So his father, who is a farmer, is the main (44) of the family. The family is poor. The learner graduated from high school and did not (45) the college entrance exam. The job training program helps him learn the skills that he’ll (46) in the work place.
The story reminds me of another (47) . It goes like this: Once upon a time, there was a man who liked fishing very much, and was (48) to catch lots of fish every day. The man was a kind-hearted person, so he always (49) his fish with his neighbors who did not know how to fish. One day, he thought that it would be (50) if he taught them how to fish. So he (51) his neighbors together and showed them how to fish. Everybody was very happy that they could (52) the fish they themselves caught.
At present, there are still a lot of poor people throughout the world. But it’s not good if we give only (53) to them. (54) , we should give them a chance to learn new skills. Therefore, a technical training is very important to people in need, and the will learn the ability to (55) money. People can learn a lot of useful things in the training program and what they learn can help them on the way to find jobs.
41. A. solve B. change C. study D. find
42. A. surprised B. excited C. relaxed D. interested
43. A. ill B. alone C. silent D. dangerous
44. A. problem B. example C. relative D. support
45. A. pass B. copy C. know D. mind
46. A. repeat B. forget C. need D. test
47. A. story B. learner C. family D. program
48. A. afraid B. lucky C. sorry D. able
49. A. shared B. cooked C. exchanged D. weighed
50. A. easy B. great C. useless D. crazy
51. A. drove B. stopped C. called D. searched
52. A. feed B. save C. touch D. eat
53. A. time B. fish C. food D. clothing
54. A. Next B. Instead C. Luckily D. Especially
55. A. pay B. give C. use D. make
41. A【解析】考查语境理解和动词辨析.句意为“我能解决我的家庭困难”.solve difficulties,解决困难.故选A.
42. B 【解析】考查形容词辨析.一个学习者,在培训中,说,并且感到很兴奋.surprised 惊讶的;excited 兴奋的;study学习;instead 代替 ,根据上文所说的话,故选A.
43. A【解析】考查语境理解和形容词辨析.并且他的母亲生病在床.be ill 生病.故选A.
44. D 【解析】考查语境理解和名词辨析.因此他的爸爸是家庭的主要支柱.support,支柱.其他的problem 问题example例子silent 安静的 都不合适.故选D.
45. A【解析】考查动词辨析.学习者从高中毕业没有通过入学考试.pass,通过.故选A.
46. C【解析】考查上下文理解.这个工作项目帮助他学习他将知道的在工作地方的技巧.这是个定语从句,根据上下问,推知,此处用know.故选C.
47.A 【解析】考查语境理解.这个故事让我想起了另外一个故事.根据下午内容讲述的是一个故事,故选A.
48. D【解析】考查短语辨析.并且能够每天抓许多鱼.be able to 能够,其他不符合题意.故选D.
49. A【解析】考查短语搭配.因此他总是与那些不会捕鱼的邻居分享他的鱼.share sth. with sb.与某人分享某物.故选A.
50.B 【解析】考查语境理解和形容词辨析.他认为如果他叫他们怎样钓鱼的话,应该很棒.Great 很棒,其他easy 简单的;useless 没用的; crazy 疯狂的,都不符合题意.故选B.
51.C 【解析】考查语境理解.因此他喊他的邻居一起,并且向他们展示怎么捕鱼.call 叫,喊.其他的,符合句意.故选C.
52.D 【解析】考查语境理解和动词辨析.每个人都很快乐,他们能够吃自己捕的鱼.feed 喂养;save节约;挽救;touch接触;都不符合句意.故选 eat 吃.故选D.
53.C 【解析】考查语境理解.但是如果我们只给他们食物是不好的.故选C.
54.B 【解析】考查副词辨析.相反,我们应该给他们学习新技巧的机会.Instead 相反Next接下来;Luckily 幸运地;especially 尤其地 不符合题意.故选B.
55.D 【解析】考查短语搭配.他们讲学习赚钱的能力.make money 赚钱故选D.
再问: 翻译
再答: “我真的很感谢我们的政府,它为我们提供了这样一个好的培训项目。训练有助于我们生活的很好。我一定会努力学习和学习技能。然后我可以(41)我的家庭困难,做的好的人。“在职培训计划学习者说,感觉(42)。 学习者的爷爷快80岁了,和母亲(43)在床上。所以他爸爸,他是一个农民,主要是(44)的家庭。家里很穷。学生从高中毕业,没有(45)大学入学考试。在职培训计划帮助他学习,他会的技能(46)在工作的地方。 这个故事让我想起了另一个(47)。它是这样的:从前,有一个人非常喜欢钓鱼,和(48)抓鱼每天很多。男人是一个善良的人,所以他总是(49)他的鱼与他的邻居不知道鱼。有一天,他认为这将是(50)如果他教他们如何鱼。所以他(51)他的邻居一起,并教他们如何鱼。每个人都很高兴,他们可以(52)他们抓到鱼。 目前,仍有许多世界上的穷人。但它不好,如果我们只给他们(53)。(54),我们应该给他们一个机会去学习新的技能。因此,技术培训是需要的人非常重要,并将学习能力(55)的钱。人们可以学到很多在培养方案中有用的东西,他们学习的东西可以在找工作的方式帮助他们。 41 。 A.解决B.变C. D.研究发现 42 。 A. B.惊讶兴奋C. D.放宽感兴趣 43 。 A.生病B. C.独自沉默D.危险 44 。 A.问题B.例如C.相对D.支持 45 。 A.通过B.复制C.知道D.头脑 46 。 A. B.重复C.忘记需要D.测试 47 。 A.故事B.学习C.家庭D.程序 48 。 A.害怕B.幸运C.不好意思D.能 49 。 A.共享B.熟C.交换D.称重 50 。 A. B.方便C.大无用D.疯狂 51 。 A.推动B.停止C.叫D.搜查 52 。 A.饲料B.保存C.碰触D吃 53 。 A.时间B.鱼C.食物D.服装 54 。答:下一步B.相反C.幸运的是D。特别是 55 。 A.工资B.给C.使用D.使