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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/10/07 15:21:48
    Did you see them
    Going off to fight?
    Children of the barricade
    Who didn't last the night?
    Did you see them
    Lying where they died?
    Someone used to cradle them
    And kiss them when they cried.
    Did you see them lying side by side?
    Who will wake them?
    No one ever will.
    No one ever told them
    That a summer day can kill.
    They were schoolboys
    Never held a gun...
    Fighting for a new world
    That would rise up like the sun.
    Where's that new world now the fighting's done?
    Nothing changes.
    Nothing ever will.
    Every year another brat, another mouth to fill.
    Same old story. What's the use of tears?
    What's the use of praying if there's nobody who hears?
    All Women:
    Turning, turning, turning, turning, turning
    Through the years.
    Turning, turning, turning through the years
    Minutes into hours and the hours into years.
    Nothing changes. Nothing ever can.
    Round and round the roundabout and back where you began.
    Round and round and back where you began!
第35首 名字是Turning
紧跟其后的就是有名的Empty Chairs at Empty Table了
建议可以下一个音乐剧悲惨世界歌词全集 就知道了~:)
再问: 这首歌是谁唱的??
再答: 就是革命失败以后打扫战场的女工们唱的。。。
再问: 额,就没有原创什么的么?就是这歌这旋律是谁创作的?
再答: 要问谁创作的话 其实可以直接度娘:“《悲惨世界》是由法国音乐剧作曲家克劳德-米歇尔·勋伯格和阿兰·鲍伯利(Alain Boublil)共同创作的一部音乐剧,改编自维克多·雨果的同名小说……” 音乐剧一般都是有几条主旋律的 为了呼应主题很多片段旋律相似歌词不同而已 不会说单独把某首歌拉出来谁写的……像Turning和Lovely Ladies主要旋律几乎一样 节奏不同罢了 至于演唱者 不同版本歌手都不一样 这种合唱的更是N多人都参加过 你要找所谓的原创 就去查最早公演那版的CAST就是了……
再问: 那你知道这个音调(或者旋律)还有其它的歌吗?就是歌词不同但音律相同,反正这个音律以前我好像听过,现在就想找找看是那首~~~