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Many Chinese students don’t pay much attention to spoken Eng

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 16:26:53
Many Chinese students don’t pay much attention to spoken English at school. They think it necessary to practice   36   English in class, but not   37   class. Here is a story to show you   38   important it is to speak the English language freely in everyday life.
A foreigner once   39   hungry and went into a restaurant in London. He sat down at a table. When the waiter came, he   40   his mouth, put his fingers into it and took them out again in order to   41   that he wanted something   42   because he could not speak English. The waiter soon   43   him a cup of tea. The man shook his head. The waiter then took   44   the tea and gave him a cup of coffee. Still the man didn’t   45   what he wanted. He tried again and again, but he wasn’t able to make the waiter   46   him. Finally   47   man came in. He spoke English   48   and fluently. After a few minutes, there was a large plate of meat and vegetables on the table in front of   49   .
So you see a man can go hungry if he   50   master(掌握)a foreign language.
小题1:A. speak                       B. speaking                 C. to speak
小题2: A. outsider                   B. out                      C. out of
小题3: A. how                        B. how an                   C. what an
小题4: A. get                        B. gets                     C. got
小题5:A. open                       B. opened                   C. opens
小题6: A. express                        B. expressed                    C. expressing
小题7:A. eats                        B. eating                       C. to eat
小题8:A. took                        B. brought                  C. bought
小题9:A. away                        B. out of                       C. down
小题10:A. make                        B. give                     C. get
小题11: A. understand                 B. understood                   C. be understood
小题12:A. other                       B. the other                    C. another
小题13:A. clean                       B. clear                        C. clearly
小题14:A. he                          B. him                      C. his
小题15:A. doesn’t                        B. won’t                       C. isn’t
Many Chinese students don’t pay much attention to spoken Eng


1.B practice doing sth练习做某事,做选B。
2.C in class 与out of class相对应,此句意思:他们觉得在课堂讲英语有必要,而不是在课外。
3.A how以形容词为中心,不用用冠词的。What 以名词为中心,两者有不同。
How good a boy也可说成What a good boy.
4.C 此题考查时态,从once(曾经) 及went可知用过去时。
5.B 本时还是考查时态,与上次一样,讲的过去的事情用过去时。
6.A in order to do sth目的是,后面接的是动词的原形,故选A。
7.C want to do sth想要做某事,后面只能用不定式,选C to eat.
8.B brought是bring的过去式,带来,从远到近。Atook是take的过去式,由近到远。Cbought是buy的过去式,本处服务生给他带来了一杯茶,选B。
9.A take away拿走,带走。这服务生把茶给带走了。take out of拿出来,take down写下,记下,故选A。
10.C get得到,他同样没有得到他想要的东西。make制造,give给,选C。
11.A make sb do sth让某人做某事,make使役动词后加原形,故选A。
12.C another另一,又一,此处指又来了一个人。Other其它的,the other特指两者中的一个,这是不是特指,选C。
13.C clearly清晰的,是个副词,它修饰的是动词spoke,此处说那人讲英语又清晰又流利。A clean干净的Bclear清晰,是形容词,选C。
14.B him是his的宾格,此处只能用宾格,指在他的前面,而不能用形容词性物主代词。
15.A 此句由if引导条件状语从句,用一般现在时,第三称借助于doesn’t,选A。