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英语翻译请保留人名与歌曲、专辑名,Women love Will Downing.And men love the wo

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 11:34:57
Women love Will Downing.And men love the women who love Will Downing.In his two decade recording career,the Brooklyn native has carved for himself a solid career as one of the leading purveyors of unapologetic,unabashed romantic music.And while this has not translated to crossover success - or even to broad urban radio success - it has gained for Downing a solid musical legacy and a rabidly loyal following of,well...women.
Downing had his first national exposure as a popular backing vocalist in the 80s before signing with Island Records.He recorded two modestly successful albums and had a minor hit with a cover of "A Love Supreme" before releasing his breakout 1991 album A Dream Fulfilled.It was a marvelous disc that showed Downing not only possessed a fine baritone voice but that he was also was an excellent song stylist,deftly handling such diverse songs as War's "The World Is A Ghetto" and Paul Davis's "I Go Crazy" and providing a stunning,definitive version of Angela Bofill's "I Try." Both the "I Try" single and the album hit the Urban top 25,and critical acclaim for the disc abounded.
A Dream Fulfilled began a period where Downing found his musical identity and was the first of a string of successful albums that focused on smooth,romantic music,mostly ballads.Sometimes unfairly lumped with his friend Luther Vandross,Downing was actually creating his own brand of love music that was less urban and much jazzier.And though Downing's songs were also more sensual than Vandross's,he shared Luther's sensibilities,singing to women on a truly romantic level that clearly went beyond the physical.
In the 90s and early 00s,Downing recorded frequently on multiple record labels.He became a regular at the top of the contemporary jazz charts and released a number of solid albums (perhaps the best of which was his album of duets with saxophonist Gerald Albright,Pleasures of the Night) with only one miscue (All the Man You Need,his lone album on Motown and an ill-advised attempt at an "urban" sound).
英语翻译请保留人名与歌曲、专辑名,Women love Will Downing.And men love the wo
will Downing被诸多女性所青睐,而这些女性也被男性们推崇.在Downing 20年的音乐生涯中,他作为一个对浪漫音乐无所畏惧勇往直前的传播者和先驱者被布鲁克林当地所铭记.而这时他都还没有在其音乐事业上达到真正的成功,甚至都没有在城市电台里完全崭露头角.但仍然给他带来了一笔宝贵的音乐财产和诸多忠实的女歌迷.
Downing在签约Island Records之前第一次在大众面前亮相时已是一名较受欢迎的伴唱歌手.之后他录制了两张专辑但反响平平,之后的《A Love Supreme》也是不温不火.而真正让他一炮而红的是1991年的专辑《A Dream Fulfilled》.这张不同凡响的专辑不仅证明了Downing拥有一副美妙的男中音,而且还是一个绝伦的音乐人.他不仅能将像War的《The World Is A Ghetto》和Paul Davis的《I go crazy》这样不同风格的音乐驾轻就熟,甚至能将Angela Bofill的《I try》演绎到极致.而单曲《I try》和整张专辑都大受好评,并在Urban排行榜上名列前25位.
《A Dream Fulfilled 》是Downing之后专辑不断成功的良好开端,并让他找到了自己在音乐上的理想定位,那就是轻柔浪漫的情歌.有时Downing和他的朋友Luther Vandross并非理想的搭档,但他仍然建立了自己的情歌风格——少一点城市气息而更多的加入爵士风格.而且尽管其中因为Luther Vandross音乐元素的存在使得Downing的歌曲显得较为世俗,但是事实上在演绎这些歌曲时其境界已经完全超越了肉体的层面.
在上世纪90年代到当代,Downing不断的发行一些多样化的专辑唱片,也许其中最棒的专辑要数他与萨克斯演奏者Gerald Albright合作的《Pleasures of the Night》.其他很多的专辑也都接近于完美.(他在Motown唱片公司发行的个人专辑《All the Man You Need》中加入了城市化元素但并不被人看好).他也渐渐的成为了当代爵士音乐的标杆.