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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 02:27:02
Everyone has their favorite sport,but I think you definitely猜不出sport I like what?Let me tell you!That is,cycling,commonly known as riding a bicycle.To learn how difficult this sport that it is not difficult,that simply was not simple,the most important thing is to master the balance,in order to master the balance I suffered,I am so anxious for the start did not grasp the essentials,and have its own legs Green throw and hand abrasions,or can not have good balance,I really wanted to give up!At that time my mother often say in my ear the word reminds me:someone else can do you can do!Is this sentence has been encouraging me,I started down-to-earth,step-by-step learning step by step,first of all,I sat on the bike,both feet on the ground to the same as in walking Former "walk." Such a practice,such as 35 days.I try to use a foot above the foot board to ride,and the other on the floor,"go." It may do 12 weeks training.In the end,that is one of the most critical,which is one foot on the pedal,the feet together,so that forward movement bicycle.Do not think that has been done at this time,I also happened,"the end of the air," the situation,but I do not despair,because "failure is the mother of success",as long as I continue to persevere,I believe I will succeed.Drainage into waterways,I now will not only riding,and riding a "thief away," ah!The summer,I ride every day to 23 hours,which not only allows the body fat I had a temper,but I do find a few good friends!Look!I have my little又跟partners to sport it!I opened the "lights" (an increase on my own),they and a small partner,"waiting" in the area at the entrance,waiting for the "target" appearance.Our goal is not to another,that is,a vehicle that the vehicle entered the area,they have the Santana 3000,Hainan Mazda 6,a Corolla,a Excelle ......,I put them locked pursuit of the goal for me,I would like to go beyond their become a racing driver,although in reality,I can not go beyond them,but into the cell,these cars tend to slow down the speed,these vehicles will lose my subordinates.Hainan Mazda 6 goes beyond the beyond Audi,more than the BMW,Mercedes-Benz goes beyond,I feel how happy and excited too.Pier as a小胖me that in other sports may not be your opponent,but in this campaign I believe I will never be lost to you,This is what I like riding a bicycle,like the real reason for the campaign,the future and if possible I would like it to be a cyclist!I would like to shout loudly:I like rideing my bicycle!每个人都有自己喜欢的体育运动,但是我想你们肯定猜不出我喜欢的体育运动是什么?让我来告诉你吧!那就是自行车运动,俗称骑自行车.要学会这门运动说难也不难,说简单倒也不简单,最主要的是要掌握平衡,为了掌握平衡我是吃尽了苦头,开始我急于求成没掌握要领,把自己的腿也摔青了,手也擦破了,还是不能很好的掌握平衡,我真想放弃!这时妈妈经常讲的一句话在我耳边想起:别人能做到的你也能做到!就是这句话一直鼓励着我,我开始脚踏实地,一步步循序渐进学习,首先我坐在自行车上,双脚在地上像在走路一样往前“走”.等这样练了个三五天后.我就试着用一个脚在踏脚板上面骑,另一个在地上“走”.这得练一两个星期才行.到最后,也就是最关键的一环,那就是将另一只脚也放到踏板上,两脚配合起来,使自行车往前运动.这时别以为已经大功告成了,我又发生“尾朝天”的状况了,但我并不沮丧,因为“失败是成功之母”,只要我再接再厉、坚持不懈,相信我就会成功.水道渠成,我现在不但会骑了,而且骑得“贼溜”啊!暑假里,我每天都会去骑两三个小时,这不仅能让我肥胖的身躯进行了锻炼,同时我也找了几个好朋友呢!瞧!我又跟我的小伙伴们去运动啦!我开了“车灯”(我自己安上去的),便和小伙伴“守候”在小区门口,等待着“目标”的出现.我们的目标不是别的,就是那一辆辆进入小区的车辆,他们有桑塔纳3000、有海南马自达6、有花冠、有凯越……,我把它们锁定为我追逐的目标,我要超越它们,成为一个赛车手,虽然在现实中,我是超越不了它们的,但是在进小区后,这些小车往往都放慢了车速,所以这些车是我手下的败将.超越了海南马自达6,超越了奥迪、超过了宝马、超越了奔驰,我的心情是多么得舒畅和激动.作为一个小胖墩的我,在其他运动项目中可能不是你的对手,但在这项运动中我相信我决不会输给你,这就是我喜欢骑自行车,喜欢这项运动的真正原因,将来有可能的话我还想成为一名自行车运动员呢!我要大声的高呼:I like rideing my bicycle !