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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 16:38:35
Marketing strategy study of Baizhao Mountain Scenic Area
Abstract: "Eleven five planning" put forward that expanding domestic demand is the long-term strategy and the basic foothold of our economic development . Tourism industry has a special advantage in expanding the demand gross and improving the consumption ability and level, it can play a positive role in the strategies of stimulate domestic consumption demand and become the main impetus of changing the economic growth mode. Besides,being known as a "rising sun industry", tourism industry plays an irreplaceable role in economic, social, cultural and environmental development. Hubei province Anlu city has a rich cultural heritage and Baizhao Mountain Scenic Area is representative of the Anlu Li Bai culture. This topic through the study of the Hubei province Anlu city Baizhao Mountain Scenic Area marketing strategy, analysing its own advantages and existing problems, so as to improving its tourism quality, and creating a unique city card of Anlu, finally in order to attract the tourists of surrounding areas, stimulate tourism consumption demand and further stimulate the economic growth of Anlu city .
Key words: Baizhao Mountain Scenic Area; marketing strategy; tourism; Scenic Area
英语翻译白兆山风景区营销策略研究摘要:“十一五”规划提出扩大内需是我国经济发展的长期战略方针和基本立足点.旅游产业具有扩 扩大内需是我国经济发展的长期战略方针和基本立足点.烧旺消费市场,上述方针和政策 我国作为发展中大国,必须始终把扩大进口作为经济发展的基本立足点和长期战略方针 我国作为发展中大国,必须把什么作为发展经济的基本立足点和长期战略方针 材料二,我国2013《政府工作报告》提出,要坚定不移地把扩大内需作为经济发展的长期战略方针,不断提高消费对经济增长的拉动 英语翻译江苏地区旅游体验营销中存在的问题及对策研究[摘要]:旅游体验营销是发展我国旅游事业,获得旅游经济效益的重要环节, 16.扩大内需是我国当前应对金融危机,促进经济发展的重要战略方针. 英语翻译和其正营销渠道模式策略分析 摘要营销渠道策略是整个营销系统的重要组成部分,它对降低企业成本和提高企业竞争力具有重 英语翻译国内外旅游电子商务发展比较研究 摘要:旅游与电子商务在我国同是一个新兴的产业,而旅游电子商务也正处于发展期.随着 十二五规划的扩大内需 英语翻译营销渠道策略是整个营销系统的重要组成部分,它对降低企业成本和提高企业竞争力具有重要意义.本文通过对销售渠道的分析 英语翻译我国社会保障制度和养老金会计的研究摘要 世界各国的历史上长期的实践表明,建立健全社会保障制度是各国政府社会政策的