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英语翻译作者介绍:马克吐温,(Mark Twain l835~1910) 美国作家.本名塞谬尔·朗赫恩·克莱门斯.马克·

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 15:46:46
作者介绍:马克吐温,(Mark Twain l835~1910)
美国作家.本名塞谬尔·朗赫恩·克莱门斯.马克·吐温是其笔名.出生于密西西比河畔小城汉尼拔的 一个乡村贫穷律师家庭,从小出外拜师学徒.当过排字工人,密西西比河水手、南军士兵,还经营过木材 业、矿业和出版业,但有效的工作是当记者和写作幽默文学.马克·吐温是美国批判现实主义文学的奠基人,世界著名的短篇小说大师.他经历了美国从“自由”资 本主义到帝国主义的发展过程,其思想和创作也表现为从轻快调笑到辛辣讽刺再到悲观厌世的发展阶段.他 的早期创作,如短篇小说《竟选州长》(1870)、《哥尔斯密的朋友再度出洋》(1870)等,以幽默、诙谐 的笔法嘲笑美国“民主选举”的荒谬和“民主天堂”的本质.中期作品,如长篇小说《镀金时代》(1874,
与华纳合写)、代表作长篇小说《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》(1886)及《傻瓜威尔逊》(1893)等,则以深 沉、辛辣的笔调讽刺和揭露像瘟疫般盛行于美国的投机、拜金狂热,及暗无天日的社会现实与惨无人道的种 族歧视.《哈克贝里·费恩历险记》通过白人小孩哈克跟逃亡黑奴吉姆结伴在密西西比河流浪的故事,不仅 批判封建家庭结仇械斗的野蛮,揭露私刑的毫无理性,而且讽刺宗教的虚伪愚昧,谴责蓄奴制的罪恶,并歌 颂黑奴的优秀品质,宣传不分种族地位人人都享有自由权利的进步主张.作品文字清新有力,审视角度自然 而独特,被视为美国文学史上具划时代意义的现实主义著作.19世纪末,随着美国进入帝国主义发展阶段,马克·吐温一些游记、杂文、政论,如《赤道环行记》(1897)、中篇小说《败坏了哈德莱堡的人》 (1900)、《神秘来客》(1916)等的批判揭露意义也逐渐减弱,而绝望神秘情绪则有所伸长.马克·吐温被誉为“美国文学中的林肯”.他的主要作品已大多有中文译本.
英语翻译作者介绍:马克吐温,(Mark Twain l835~1910) 美国作家.本名塞谬尔·朗赫恩·克莱门斯.马克·
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The author introduce:Mark Twain, (Mark Twain l 835~1910)
American writer.The autonym fills Miu Er ·the boon of Lang He ·gram Lai door Si.Mark ·vomit is its pen name.It was born at side little city Hannibal of Mississippi's a lawyer's family with poor country, went out to do obeisance teacher apprentice since the childhood.When lead a typesetter, Mississippi sailor, south non-commissioned officer soldier, also once conducted the timber industry, mineral industry and the publish industry, but valid of the work be a reporter and write humor literature. Mark ·vomit is the United States to criticize realism literature of lay foundation stone a person, the short story master of Zhao in the world.He experienced the United States from the "freedom" property origin a doctrine to imperialistic of development process, its thought and creations also expresses for adjust to smile mordacity's irony to arrive a pessimism cynical development stage again from the agility.His earlier period create, like short story 《unexpectedly choose eparch (1870)》, 《elder brother Er Si the airtight friend once more goes abroad (1870)》etc., with humor, humorous American"the democracy elect" of the style of writing derision of absurd with the essence of"democracy heaven".Middle work, like novel 《plate with gold ages 》(1874,
Match with Warner to write), representative work novel 《admire a gram a shell inside ·the fee boon go through dangers to record (1886)》and 《simpleton Pete Wilson (1893)》etc., then with deeply sink, mordacity of style of writing irony with make public to be like an epidemic sort widely accepted in the United States of speculation, do obeisance a gold wildly hot, and the social reality of complete darkness and cruelly grow a clan bias.《Admire gram shell inside ·the fee boon go through dangers to record 》pass white man a kid admire gram with flee from home a Negro slave Ji Mu to accompany the story which wanders about in Mississippi, not only criticize the barbarism that the feudalism family becomes enemies with a turf war, make public have no of lynch reasonableness, and irony religion of false ignorant, rebuke the Xu Nu system of crime, and the song Song Negro slave's excellent quality, publicity not divide race position the everyone all possesses the progress assertion of free right.The work writing is delightfully fresh and emollient and examine angle natural and special, is see as the realism work of have the meaning of row the ages in American literary history.Turn into an imperialistic development stage along with the United States at the end of 19 centuries, mark ·vomit some swim to record, miscellaneous text, political commentary, such as 《wreath line in the equator record (1897)》, novelette 《corrupt admire virtuous Lai fortress of person (1900)》 , 《mysterious visitor (1916)》etc. of the judgment make public the meaning also dies down gradually, but the despair mysterious motion then has elongation. Mark ·vomit to be praise for"Lincoln in the American literature".His main work has already mostly had Chinese to translate an origin.