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John Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 12:31:24
John Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongest
John Smith is ___ of the two young men.
A.strong B.a stronger C.the stronger D.the strongest
John Smith is ___ of the two young men.A.strong B.a stronger
答案是对的,因为后面有OF THE TWO ……,特指两个中较壮的那个.
再问: of the + 可数复数是表示范围吗?那为什么Peter is the tallest student in our class.中是最高级?in our class不也是表范围么?
再答: Peter is the tallest student in our class.是对的,多人相比用最高级 而你所问的是两个人相比,要用比较级,一般来说,比较级前不用the,但句中有of the two 时,比较级前要加the, 特指“两者中较 ……的” 那个,又如 Who is taller , Lucy or Lily ? Lucy is taller than Lily. 区别:Lucy is taller of the two girls .
再问: 您说的最后一句是不是可以理解为“露西是两个女孩中比较高的一个?” 那我是不是可以说: "Russia is the biggest country in the world." "Russia is the bigger of the 2 countries." 有语病吗?
再答: 都对 如果帮到你,请采纳,谢谢!
再问: 还有,再问最后一个问题。 如果后面是of the + 可数名词复数的话是不是可以选最高级? 就像John Smith is ___ of the young men.可不可以填the tallest?
再答: John Smith is ___ of the young men,这道就是填the tallest, 因为 the young men 没有说明只有两个