作业帮 > 英语 > 作业

英语翻译score realize bet success discover afterwards desire eas

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 12:57:54
score realize bet success discover afterwards
desire ease advice overcome
1.I sent him an e-mail___________.
2.We suddenly______________that it was too late to catch the train.
3.He has a strong__________to study at this university.
4.He has little____________in his life.
5.The nurse tried her best to___________the patient's pain.
6.I_________________Tom will win the race.
7.My______________to you is to work hard.
8.Does he___________his mistake yet?
9.If you want to be successful in life,you have to________a lot of hardship.
10.John_________one goal in his first football game at college.
英语翻译score realize bet success discover afterwards desire eas
1.afterwards 我后来给他发了个电子邮件
2.realized 我们突然意识到已经赶不上火车了
3.desire 他在大学里有很强烈的学习欲望
4.success 他一生中很少成功
5.ease 护士尽全力来减轻病人的疼痛
6.bet 我打赌汤姆会在比赛中胜出
7.advice 我给你的建议是好好用功
8.discover 他难道还没发现他的错误吗?
9.overcome 若你想在人生中取得成功,你就得克服很多困难
10.score john在他大学里的第一场足球赛里进了个球