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如果楼主觉得不够的话可以去google一下chinese recipes, chinese food, chinese food culture.就会有好多资料的.
Thirteen Great Traditions- Regional Dishes
Anhui (Hui 徽)
Ginger Duck (simplified Chinese: 姜母鸭; traditional Chinese: 姜母鸭; pinyin: jiang muya)
Hay Wrapped Fragrant Ribs(simplified Chinese: 稻香排骨; traditional Chinese: ; pinyin: daoxiang paigu)
Caterpillar Fungus Duck(虫草炖老鸭)
Dry Pot Tofu (干锅素肉)
Potato Croquets (土豆炸饺)
Crab-apple Flower Cake (海棠酥)
Soy Braised Mandarin Fish (红烧臭鳜鱼)
Friend Tofu Balls (豆腐渣丸子)
Fried Pumpkin Dumplings (南瓜蒸饺)
Silver Fish Fried Egg (银鱼煎蛋)
5 Colors Fish Cake (五彩鱼片)
Jade Rabbit Sea Cucumber (玉兔海参)
Flower Mushroom Frog (花菇田鸡)
Bright Pearl Abalone (明珠酥鲍)
Bagongshan Tofu (八公山豆腐)
Crab and Fish Stomachs (蟹连鱼肚)
Phoenix Tail Shrimp (凤尾虾排)
Fuli Roast Chicken (符离集烧鸡)
Lotus Seed Pod Fish (莲蓬鱼)
Cream FattyKingfish (奶汁肥王鱼)
Peking Duck (usually served with pancakes) (北京烤鸭)
Cantonese (Yue 粤)
Preserved-salted fish (咸鱼, Haam yu)
Preserved-salted duck (腊鸭, Laap ap)
Preserved-salted pork (腊肉, Laap yuk)
Chinese steamed eggs (蒸水蛋)
Rice congee (皮蛋粥)
Boiled bok choy with oyster sauce (蚝油小白菜)
Stir-fried vegetables with meat (e.g. chicken, duck, pork, beef, or intestines) (青菜炒肉片)
Steamed frog on lotus leaf (荷叶蒸田鸡)
Zhaliang (炸两)
Youtiao (油条)
Dace fishballs (鲮鱼球)
Cantonese seafood soup
Winter melon soup (冬瓜汤)
Snow fungus soup (银耳汤)
Northeast watercress sparerib soup (南北杏西洋菜猪骨汤)
Old fire-cooked soups (老火汤, Lo foh tong)
Wonton noodle (云吞面)
Beef chow fun (乾炒牛河)
Shahe fen (沙河粉)
Char siu (叉烧)
Roast goose (烧鹅)
Roasted pig (烧肉)
White cut chicken (白切鸡)
Orange cuttlefish (卤水墨鱼)
Brine-soaked duck (卤水鸭)
Soy sauce chicken (豉油鸡, Si yau gai)
Little pan rice (煲仔饭, bou1 zai2 faan6)
Layered egg and beef over rice (窝蛋牛肉饭)
Layered steak over rice (肉饼煲仔饭)
Preserved chinese sausage over rice (蜡味煲仔饭)
Steamed chicken over rice (蒸鸡肉煲仔饭)
Pork Spareribs over rice (排骨煲仔饭)
Crispy fried chicken
Seafood birdsnest
Suckling pig
Taro duck (陈皮芋头鸭)
Roast young pigeon/squabs (烤乳鸽)
Sour sparerib (生炒排骨)
Salt and pepper rib (椒盐骨)
Salt and pepper cuttlefish (椒盐鱿鱼)
Salt and pepper shrimp (椒盐虾)
Red bean soup (红豆砂)
Gou dim (糕点)
Shaved Ice (刨冰)
Deng egg (炖蛋)
Bao yu (焖鲍鱼, Bao yu)
Shark fin soup (鱼翅羹, Yu qi tong)
Hoi sam (海参, Hoi sam)
Bird's nest soup (燕窝, Yeen Waw)
Fujian (Min 闽)
Popiah (薄饼)
Buddha jumps over the wall (佛跳墙, Fotiaoqiang)
Hunan (Xiang 湘)
Jiangsu(Su 苏 or Yang 扬)
Shandong (Lu 鲁)
Szechuan (Chuan 川)
Kung Pao chicken (simplified Chinese: 宫保鸡丁; traditional Chinese: 宫保鸡丁; pinyin: gōngbǎo jīdīng)
Zhangcha duck (simplified Chinese: 樟茶鸭; traditional Chinese: 樟茶鸭; pinyin: zhāngchá yā)
Twice Cooked Pork (simplified Chinese: 回锅肉; traditional Chinese: 回锅肉; pinyin: huíguōròu)
Mapo dofu (Chinese: 麻婆豆腐; pinyin: mápó dòufǔ)
Sichuan hotpot (simplified Chinese: 四川火锅; traditional Chinese: 四川火锅; pinyin: Sìchuān huǒguō)
Fuqi Feipian (Chinese: 夫妻肺片; pinyin: fūqī fèipiàn)
Chongqing Spicy Deep-Fried Chicken (simplified Chinese: 重庆辣子鸡; traditional Chinese: 重庆辣子鸡; pinyin: Chóngqìng làzǐjī)
Shuizhu, or literally "Water cooked", or Dishes (Chinese: 水煮; pinyin: shuǐzhǔ)
Dan dan noodles and Bon bon chicken
Green tea
Red tea
White tea
Black tea
Oolong tea
Pu-erh tea
Flower tea
Yellow tea
Tieguanyin tea
Pressed tea
Quick tea
Medicinal tea
Kudin tea
Chrysanthemum tea
Anchor Beer (力加啤酒)
Beijing Beer (北京啤酒)
Chifeng Beer (赤峰啤酒)
China Blue Ribbon (蓝带啤酒)
Dali Beer (大理啤酒)
Ginsber (金士百啤酒)
Guangming (光明啤酒)
Guilin (桂林啤酒)
Haizhu (海珠啤酒)
Hangzhou Qiandaohu Beer Co., Ltd. (杭州千岛湖啤酒有限公司) - producer of Cheerday Beer
Hans Beer (汉斯啤酒)
Harbin Beer (哈尔滨啤酒)
Jinling Beer (金陵啤酒)
Kingway Beer (金威啤酒)
Kinglong Beer (金龙泉啤酒)
Meixue Beer (梅雪啤酒)
Mingyuedao (明月岛啤酒)
Reeb (力波啤酒)
Shanghai Beer (上海啤酒)
Snow Beer (雪花啤酒)
Tianmuhu Beer (天目湖啤酒)
Tsingtao Beer (青岛啤酒)
Tsingtao Dark Beer (青岛黑啤)
Valor (威尔啤酒)
Xinjiang Beer (新疆啤酒)
Xinjiang Black (新疆黑啤)
Xuehang Beer (雪航啤酒)
Yanjing Beer (燕京啤酒)
Zhonghua (中华啤酒)
Zhujiang Beer (珠江啤酒)