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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/30 12:32:46
78. I’m not sure what___ he will play in the film, but I think he will act the part of the hero.
A. career B. performanceC. role D. action
79. I’m afraid ___ her the truth, because I’m afraid______ her.
A. to tell; of hurting B. to tell; to hurt
C. of telling; to hurt D. of telling; of hurting
80. I can never forget the days _____ we worked together and the days ______ we spent happily together.
A. for which; that B. which; when C. when; which D. on which; when
81. To go on business, I will have to stay ____ for some time, so I will ask someone to ___.
A. away; take my placeB. off; instead of me
C. off; take the place of mine D. away; take place of me
82. We’ve missed the last bus. I’m afraid we have no______ but to take a taxi.
A. way B. choice C. opportunity D. means
83. I will stay at home and watch the _______ football match this evening.
A. living  B. lively C. alive D. live
78.C 因为后半句的意思是“我觉得他会演男主角”,所以前半句应该是对于角色的推测,所以role
79.A "be afraid to do" 不敢做某事;"be afraid of doing” 担心做某事.这个题考的是固定搭配的意思.
80.C 这个是考察定语从句的从句部分的句子结构问题.1.如果句子结构是完整的,那么从句就可以直接用which,that来引导;如果不完整就要用when,where这种来引导,或者是在which,that前面加上相应的介词.2.“we worked together on the day“这才是一个完整的句子,因为work工作是不及物动词,后面必须有介词,所以第一个从句"we worked together"加上前面的days不能够成一个完整的句子,所以需要用when来引导.当然D项on which也是对的.那么为什么不选A呢,因为work for表示的是为了什么而工作,很显然worked for the days,从意思上讲是不对的.3.第二个定语从句we spent the days happily together是一个完整的句子,所以可以直接用which来引导,不需要when.4.所以最终选C
81.A “stay away” 外出,不在家,"stay off" 远离某地(后面一般接地方),所以排除BC; "take the place of sb."代替某人,D项少了the."Take sb.'s place"代替某人的职位,所以选A.这个题也是固定搭配.
82.B 这句话的意思是“我们错过了最后一班车,所以只能打出租车(没有别的选择)”所以选B choice选择.如果选A或D,首先从做题技巧上,这两个是同义词,遇到了可以直接排除的.另外意思也不对,“我们没有方式只能打的”.C项的opportunity是机会,机遇的意思,也不通顺.
83.D live做形容词有“实况转播的”的意思.这句话是说呆在家看实况转播.living为什么不对,因为living多指真人秀,向舞台剧这种现场演出,跟电影之类的相反.lively是活泼的,alive活着的,明显意思不对.