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the reason of shyness

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/23 03:29:54
the reason of shyness
1.What do you think are the reasons for shyness?And do you have good ways to overcome shyness?
the reason of shyness
Be confident. Tell yourself that you have great qualities, and don't let anybody bring you down!
Set goals for yourself. Focus on small, daily goals, and gradually become more daring. E.g. try to speak at least once every class period.
Introduce yourself to new people each day. Most people are nice and will be welcoming to your advances. It is also great practice for more daring behavior, such as talking to cute people.
Hold close bonds with your friends, they can be there for you when you crack out of the shell! They'll be glad to help.
Try doing stuff you never dreamed you would. For example: Talk to that cute boy in study hall that you thought would never notice you. Wear something very flattering and colorful to show what a fun person you really are!
Laugh often, at your own jokes and those of others. It will help ease any tension you may be feeling.
Lie on your bed and take 3 deep breaths. Then visualize a situation where you might be shy. Now in that situation make yourself confident. Do this for as many situations as you can think of. Do this daily. Do this in the morning.
Repeat positive affirmations using I statements. " I am a wonderful person". "I am a good looking person". Do it even if you don't believe it. Do it daily.
Make a list of things that make you feel shy that you want to try and work on. Order them so that those things that cause you the least anxiety are first and those that cause you the most anxiety are last. Once you have a list of 10-15 stressful situations start working through them, one-by-one. The first few "easier" situations will help build your confidence so that you can continue moving to more difficult situations on your list. Don't worry if you have to go backwards on the list sometimes -- take it at your own pace but do make an effort to push yourself.