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英语翻译按照括号内的提示翻译下列句子:1、那个男生对着教师的背后做了个鬼脸(make a face)2、她花了3个小时的

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/03 14:27:12
1、那个男生对着教师的背后做了个鬼脸(make a face)
2、她花了3个小时的时间才把家里弄得整整齐齐(in order)
3、他总是为他所犯的错误编借口(make up)
5、母亲告诉我尽可能早些回来(as...as possible)
6、房价每天都在变化,因此你们最好今天就买下这套房子(vary from...to...)
7、双方是否能达成协议就指望你了(rest on)
8、至于应该穿什么衣服,并没有特殊规定(as to)
9、使我们吃惊的是,大家都对他的消息报以欢呼(be greeted with)
11、我不知道我们将如何度过这个冬天(get through)
12、愤怒的人们推倒矗立在广场的这个统治者的雕像(tear down)
13、我姐姐最喜欢沿着海滩散步了.(nothing better than)
14、像其他同学一样,他也不习惯国外的生活(just like)
15、我不知道她最近为何一直情绪低落(feel down)
16、你们不该取笑那个可怜的孩子.(make fun of)
17、即使他们提高价格,我也要买下这个房子(even if)
18、做这件事有好几种方法(way of doing)
19、我们已打算在全班同学面前表演这个故事(act out)
20、他在舞台上装扮成个兔子(dress up)
21、据说,这座古塔要追溯到1776年(date back to)
24、这个人通晓十多种外国语言(be fluent in)
26、玛丽现在每个月挣多少钱?(bring in)
27、我们的成功靠的是您的帮助(depend on)
28、你知道ATM代表什么吗?(stand for)
29、这所大学提供各种语言课程(a variety of)
31、他排列第四,换句话说,他输掉了比赛(in other words)
32、无论天气多冷,她都开着卧室的窗户(no matter how)
33、我们计划下个周末去宿营(go camping )
34、由于我在伦敦举目无亲,所以不知道该向谁求助(turn to)
35、大多数学生觉得很难通过这次考试(the majority of)
36、他的建议对我们来说非常重要(be of +n.)
40、这个医疗队由两名医生和三名护士组成(be made up of)
41、他们通过武力占领了这座岛(take possession of)
42、这儿人太多了,他们不得不用最大的声音来维持秩序(at the top of)
43、我毫无遗憾地放弃了厨师这份工作(without regret)
44、春节很快就要到了(around the corner)
45、我正要给你留口信呢(be about to)
46、据说他奶奶已经八十多岁了,但身体很硬朗(in good health)
英语翻译按照括号内的提示翻译下列句子:1、那个男生对着教师的背后做了个鬼脸(make a face)2、她花了3个小时的
1、那个男生对着教师的背后做了个鬼脸(make a face)
that boy made a face to his teacher's back.
2、她花了3个小时的时间才把家里弄得整整齐齐(in order)
It costed her 3 hours to put all the things at home in order.
3、他总是为他所犯的错误编借口(make up)
he always makes up some excuses for his mistakes.
she did not tell me when the car accident occured.
5、母亲告诉我尽可能早些回来(as...as possible)
my mom asked me to go back home as early as possible.
6、房价每天都在变化,因此你们最好今天就买下这套房子(vary from...to...)
The price of this house varies from day to day, so it is better for you to buy it today.
7、双方是否能达成协议就指望你了(rest on)
whether the two sides can come to an agreement is reasting on you.
8、至于应该穿什么衣服,并没有特殊规定(as to)
As to the clothes to wear, there is no special rules .
9、使我们吃惊的是,大家都对他的消息报以欢呼(be greeted with)
to our great surprise, all the people are greeted with his information.
She is aready a successful merchant while she is only 22 years old.
11、我不知道我们将如何度过这个冬天(get through)
I do not know how can we get through the winter.
12、愤怒的人们推倒矗立在广场的这个统治者的雕像(tear down)
the angry people teared down the governor's statuary , which was standing tall and upright on the square.
13、我姐姐最喜欢沿着海滩散步了.(nothing better than)
My older sister like nothing better than having a walk on the beach.
14、像其他同学一样,他也不习惯国外的生活(just like
He is not used to he life abroad just like the other classmates.
15、我不知道她最近为何一直情绪低落(feel down)
I have no idea why she recently always feels down.
16、你们不该取笑那个可怜的孩子.(make fun of)
you should not make fun of that poor child.
17、即使他们提高价格,我也要买下这个房子(even if)
I will buy this house even if they will enhance the price.
18、做这件事有好几种方法(way of doing)
there are many ways of doing it.
19、我们已打算在全班同学面前表演这个故事(act out)
We have decided to act the story out in front of all our classmates.
20、他在舞台上装扮成个兔子(dress up)
He dressed up as a rabbit on the platform.
21、据说,这座古塔要追溯到1776年(date back to)
it is said that this tower can be date back to 1776.
it is typical for her to forget.
24、这个人通晓十多种外国语言(be fluent in)
this person is fluent in more than ten foreign languages.
it was Tom who cleaned the calssroom yesterday.
26、玛丽现在每个月挣多少钱?(bring in)
how much money does Mary bring in monthly?
27、我们的成功靠的是您的帮助(depend on)
Our success depends on your help.
28、你知道ATM代表什么吗?(stand for)
do you know what stand ATM for?
29、这所大学提供各种语言课程(a variety of)
This university offers a variety of language courses.
He throwed away that letter without looking.
31、他排列第四,换句话说,他输掉了比赛(in other words)
He is in the fourth position, in other words, he lost the game.
32、无论天气多冷,她都开着卧室的窗户(no matter how)
She will open the windows in her sleeping room no matter how cold it is.
33、我们计划下个周末去宿营(go camping )
we are planning to go camping at next weekend.
34、由于我在伦敦举目无亲,所以不知道该向谁求助(turn to)
because i know nobody in London, i do not know whom shall i turn to for help.
35、大多数学生觉得很难通过这次考试(the majority of)
the majority of the students think that it is very difficult to pass the examination.
36、他的建议对我们来说非常重要(be of +n.)
his suggestion is of great importance for us.
my younger brother likes playing tennis, while i like reading.
There is a wall surrounded our school.
The family Smith have already settled in America.
40、这个医疗队由两名医生和三名护士组成(be made up of)
This medical treatment team is made up of two doctors and three nurses.
41、他们通过武力占领了这座岛(take possession of)
They took possession of the island with force.
42、这儿人太多了,他们不得不用最大的声音来维持秩序(at the top of)
there are too many people, so they have to maintain the order at the top of volume.
43、我毫无遗憾地放弃了厨师这份工作(without regret)
I gave up the work of cook without any regret.
44、春节很快就要到了(around the corner)
Spring festival is already around the corner.
45、我正要给你留口信呢(be about to)
I was about to leave a message to you.
46、据说他奶奶已经八十多岁了,但身体很硬朗(in good health)
it is said that his grandma is already eighty years old, but in good health.