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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/04 06:46:18
We also recognise that there will be disagreement with our categories of roles and that there is considerable overlap in some roles. For example, Thorpe (2002) would see the Peripheral Role of course designer move to a Central Role as she remarks when discussing on-line courses where collaborative learning plays a major role. “Where so much of the content of the course cannot be specified in advance because it is the process and substance that takes place in the on-line interactions, course design and learner support start to merge. Furthermore, since learner support is no longer an add-on to a predefined course, but itself defines what the course becomes, the old model of course design first, learner support second, should be questioned and possibly reversed. Only when we have decided what can be delivered through on-line interaction, will we be in a position to design ‘content’ and create course materials” (p. 106).
我们认识到,我们对角色的分类有不一致的地方,并且一些角色有相当的重叠.举例来说,索普( 2002 )发现,当讨论合作学习发挥重大作用的在线课程时,外围的课程设计者成为一个重要的角色.她指出:"在线教学中,因为过程和内容在网上互动,因此有许多内容不能预先明确,课程设计和实际教学发生融合.此外,由于学习支持已不再是一个预定的过程的附加物,而直接确定了课程的内容,课程设计方第一,学习支持方第二的模型应该受到质疑,并可能完全颠倒.只有当我们决定什么可以透过在线互动,才有能力设计'内容'和创造课程材料" (第106页) .