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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/02 08:23:38
1.何为零库存 1. What is zero inventory
"零库存"是一种特殊的库存概念,其对工业企业和商业企业来讲是个重要分类概念. "zero inventory" is the concept of a special kind of stock, and its industrial enterprises and commercial enterprises in terms of classification is an important concept. 零库存的含义是以仓库储存形式的某种或某些种物品的储存数量很低的一个概念,甚至可以为“零”,即不保持库存. The meaning of zero inventory is a form of warehousing or storage of certain types of items a low number of concepts, even for "zero", that is, do not keep inventory. 不以库存形式存在就可以免去仓库存货的一系列问题,如仓库建设、管理费用,存货维护、保管、装卸、搬运等费用,存货占用流动资金及库存物的老化、损失、变质等问题. Does not exist in the form of a stock can be removed from the warehouse inventory of the range of issues, such as warehouse construction, management costs, inventory maintenance, storage, handling, transportation and other expenses, working capital and inventory stock were occupied by the aging, loss, deterioration and so on.
零库存(zero inventory)可追溯到20世纪的六七十年代,当时的日本丰田汽车实行准时制(jit:just in time)生产,在管理手段上采用了看板管理,以单元化生产等技术实行拉式生产(pull Manufacturing),以实现在生产过程中基本没有积压的原材料和半成品. Zero inventory can be traced back to the sixties and seventies of the 20th century, when Japan's Toyota Motor to implement just-in-time (jit: just in time) production, in the management means managing the use of the billboards to units of production technologies pull-type production (pull Manufacturing), in order to achieve in the production process there is no backlog of basic raw materials and semi-finished products. 这种前者按后者需求生产的制造流程不但大大的降低了生产过程中库存和资金的积压,而且在实现jit的这个过程中,也相应的提高了相当于生产活动的管理效率. This demand for the production of the former by the latter not only the manufacturing process significantly reduces the production process the backlog of inventory and capital, but also in the realization of this process jit also equivalent to the increased efficiency in the management of production activities. 而生产零库存在操作层面上的意义,则是指物料(包括原材料、半成品和产成品)在采购、生产、销售等一个或几个经营环节中,不以仓库储存的形式存在,而均是处于周转的状态. Inventory and production levels in the significance of the operation, it means that materials (including raw materials, semi-finished and finished goods) in the procurement, production, sales and other operating one or several sessions, not to exist in the form of warehousing, which are in working condition. 也就是说零库存的关键不在于适当不适当,这和有否拥有库存没有关系,问题的关键在于是产品的存储还是周转的状态. Zero means that the key does not lie in the appropriate inappropriate, and whether it does not have inventory, the problem therefore lies in the products of the state of storage or turnover.
如此看来零库存的好处是显而易见的. It seems the benefits of zero inventory is obvious. 如果企业能够在不同环节实现零库存的话,例如库存占有资金的减少;优化应收和应付账款;加快资金周转;库存管理成本的降低;以及规避市场的变化及产品的更新换代而产生的降价、滞销的风险等等. If enterprises can achieve zero inventory in the different segments, such as inventory reduction of share capital; optimizing accounts receivables and payables; to accelerate cash flow; inventory management costs; as well as to avoid changes in the market and products arising from the replacement price , and so the risk of poor sales.
2.零库存的形式 2. The form of inventory
零库存是对某个具体企业,具体商店,车间而言,是在有充分社会储备保障前提下的一种特殊形式. Inventory of a particular enterprise, specific stores, shop, it is sufficient in reserve to protect the community under the premise of a special form.
1.委托保管方式 1. Entrust the custody of the way
2.协作分包方式 2. The sub-way collaboration
3.轮动方式 3. The way round action
4.准时供应系统 4. On time and supply system
5.看板方式 5. Kanban approach
6."水龙头方式" 6. "Tap mode"
7.无库存储备 7. No inventory reserves
8.配送方式 8. Distribution methods
零库存形式之一:委托保管方式 Inventory forms: the way bailment
委托保管方式:接受用户的委托,由受托方代存代管所有权属于用户的物资,从而使用户不再保有库存,甚至可不再保有保险储备库存,从而实现零库存. Bailment way: to accept the user's commissioned by the trustee on behalf of the escrow deposit of title belonging to the user's material, so that users would no longer maintain inventory, and even insurance can no longer keep inventory reserves in order to achieve zero inventory. 爱托方收取一定数量的代管费用. Love asked to collect a certain amount of the escrow fee. 这种零库存形式优势在于:受委托方利用其专业的优势,可以实现较高水平和较低费用的库存管理,用户不再设库,同时减去了仓库及库存管理的大量事务,集中力量于生产经营. Advantage of this inventory form: by the commission to use its professional advantages, you can achieve a higher level and lower inventory management costs, users would no longer set the Treasury and at the same time, less storage and inventory management of a large number of matters, focusing on in the production and management. 但是,这种零库存方式主要是靠库存转移实现的,并不能使库存总量降低. However, this inventory is mainly achieved by the transfer of stock, does not reduce the total inventory.
零库存形式之二:协作分包方式 Inventory form II: the sub-way collaboration
协作分包方式:即美国的"SUB--CON"方式和日本的"下请"方式. Sub-way collaboration: namely, the United States, "SUB - CON" approach and Japan's "next please" approach. 主要是制造企业的一种产业结构形式,这种结构形式可以以若干企业的柔性生产准时供应,使主企业的供应库存为零;同时主企业的集中销售库存使若干分包劳务及销售企业的销售库存为零. Manufacturing enterprises is mainly a form of industrial structure, this structure may take the form of a number of enterprises on time and the supply of flexible production, so that the supply of the main enterprises zero inventory; At the same time, the concentration of the main business to make a number of sub-sale inventory and sales services business Stock zero sales.
在许多发达国家,制造企业都是以一家规模很大的主企业和数以千百计的小型分包企业组成一个金字塔形结构. In many developed countries, manufacturers are based on a large-scale enterprises and the owners hundreds of thousands of small sub-companies to form a pyramid-shaped structure. 主企业主要负责装配和产品开拓市场的指导,分包企业各自分包劳务、分包零部件制造、分包供应和分包销售. The main business products is mainly responsible for assembly and the guidance to open up markets, sub-sub-services enterprises, sub-component manufacturers, sub-suppliers and sub-sales. 例如分包零部件制造的企业,可采取各种生产形式和库存调节形式,以保证按主企业的生产速率,按指定时间送货到主企业,从而是使主企业不再设一级库存,达到推销人或商店销售,可通过配额、随供等形式,以主企业集中的产品库存满足各分包者的销售,使分包者实现零库存. Sub-component manufacturers such as businesses, can take the form of a variety of production and inventory adjustment form, to ensure that the production by the main rate of delivery by a specified time to the main enterprise, which is a main enterprise is no longer based inventory, or stores to sell to achieve sales through quotas, as for the form to the main business focus on product inventory to meet the requirements of the various sub-sales, so that sub-contractors to achieve zero inventory.
零库存形式之三:轮动方式 Inventory of the three forms: dynamic way round
轮动方式:轮动方式也称同步方式,是在对系统进行周密设计前提下,使个环节速率完全协调,从而根本取消甚至是工位之间暂时停滞的一种零库存、零储备形式. Dynamic way round: the way round, also known as synchronous dynamic way is to carry out a detailed design of the system under the premise, so that a link rate of fully coordinated, so the fundamental position or even the abolition of temporary stagnation between a zero inventory, zero reserves form. 这种方式是在传送带式生产基础上,进行更大规模延伸形成的一种使生产与材料供应同步进行,通过传送系统供应从而实现零库存的形式. This approach is in the conveyors production based on an extension of the formation of more large-scale production of a material supply and the same time, through the transmission system to supply the form in order to achieve zero inventory.
零库存形式之四:准时供应系统 Zero of four forms: time and supply system
在生产工位之部或在供应与生产之间完全做到轮动,这不仅是一件难度很大的系统工程,而且,需要很大的投资,同时,有一些产业也不适合采用轮动方式. Position in the production of the Department or between the supply and production of full round action to do, not only is a very difficult system engineering, but also takes a great deal of investment, at the same time, some industries are not suitable for wheeled方式. 因而,广泛采用比轮动方式有更多灵活性、较易实现的准时方式. Thus, the widely used dynamic way than the round with more flexibility, easier way to achieve the time. 准时方式不是采用类似传送带的轮动系统,而是依靠有效的衔接和计划达到工位之间、供应与生产之间的协调,从而实现零库存. Time is not similar to the way the round moving conveyor system, but rely on an effective plan to achieve convergence and between-station, supply and production co-ordination between, in order to achieve zero inventory. 如果说轮动方式主要靠"硬件"的话,那么准时供应系统则在很大程度上依靠"软件". If we say that the way round action depends mainly on the "hardware", then the supply system time to a large extent rely on the "software."
零库存形式之五:看板方式 Inventory of the five forms: billboards way
看板方式是准时方式中一种简单有效的方式,也称"传票卡制度"或"卡片"制度,是日本丰田公司首先采用的. Kanban is the way in time a simple and effective way, also known as "card system summons" or "card" system, first of all, the Japanese used Toyota. 在企业的各工序之间,或在企业之间,或在生产企业与供应者之间,采用固定格式的卡片为凭证,由下一环节根据自己的节奏,逆生产流程方向,向上一环节指定供应,从而协调关系,做到准时同步. The various processes in an enterprise or between enterprises, or between manufacturers and suppliers, using a fixed format for the certificate of the card, from the next link in the rhythm of its own, reverse the direction of the production process, up in one area, designated supply, and thus the coordination of the relationship between time to achieve synchronization. 采用看板方式,有可能使供应库存实现零库存. Means the use of billboards, it is possible to achieve zero inventory supply inventory.
零库存形式之六:"水龙头方式" Zero of six forms: "water way"
水龙头方式,是一种象拧开自来水管的水龙头就可以取水面无需自己保有库存的零库存形式. The way the tap is like a screw to open the tap water pipe can be taken without water to maintain their own inventory in stock form. 这是日本索尼公司首先采用的. This is first used in Sony. 这种方式经过一定时间的演进,已发展成即时供应制度,用户可以随时提出购入要求,采取需要多少就购入多少的方式,供货者以自己的库存和有效供应系统承担即时供应的责任,从而使用户实现零库存. After a certain period of time in this way the evolution of the supply system has developed into real-time, users can purchase at any time to request, how to take the number on the purchase of way, suppliers to stock their own supply systems and effective immediately assume responsibility for the supply of , which allows users to achieve zero inventory. 适于这种供应形式实现零库存的物资. This form is suitable for the supply of materials to achieve zero inventory. 主要是工具及标准件. Mainly tools and standard parts.
零库存形式之七:无库存储备 Zero of seven forms: no inventory reserves
国家战略储备的物资,往往是重要物资,战略储备在关键时刻可以发挥巨大作用,所以几乎所在国家都要有各种名义的战略储备. The national strategic reserve of materials, supplies are often an important, strategic reserves at a critical moment can play a huge role, so almost every country in the name of a variety of strategic reserve. 由于战备储备的重要,一般这种储备都保存在条件良好的仓库中,以防止其损失,延长其保存年限. The importance of reserves as a result of combat readiness, it typically reserves are stored in the warehouse in good condition to prevent its loss, to extend the length of its preservation. 因而,实现零库存几乎是不可想象的事. Thus, to achieve zero inventory is almost unthinkable. 无库存的储备,是仍然保持储备,但不采取库存形式,以此达到零库存. No stock of reserves is maintained reserves, but do not take the form of stock in order to achieve zero inventory. 有些国家将不易损失的铝这种战备物资做为隔音墙、路障等储备起来,以备万一,在仓库中不再保有库存就是一例. Some countries will be difficult to combat the loss of materials such as aluminum noise walls, roadblocks and other reserves, and in case, keep in the warehouse inventory is no longer is an example.
零库存形式之八:配送方式 Eight forms of inventory: distribution methods
这是综合运用上述若干方式采取配送制度保证供应从而使用户实现零库存. This is the comprehensive use of the above to take a number of ways to ensure that the supply distribution system allowing users to achieve zero inventory.
3.如何做到零库存以及部分企业战略 3. How to do inventory, as well as part of corporate strategy
从库存概念上来理解的话,零库存永远只是各个生产商、代理商的追求,因为严格从操作意义上来说,零库存是不可能真正实现的. Understood the concept from the inventory, the inventory is always different producers, agents in pursuit, because the strict sense, from the operation, it is impossible to achieve zero inventory of. 由于受到不确定供应、不确定需求和生产连续性等诸多因素的制约,企业的库存不可能为零,所以众多商家才确定了基于成本和效益最优化的安全库存是企业库存的下限. Uncertainty due to supply and uncertain demand and production continuity, and many other factors, enterprises can not be zero inventory, so many businesses to determine the costs and benefits based on the optimal inventory safety stock is the lower limit. 但是,通过有效的运作和管理,企业可以最大限度地逼近零库存. However, through effective operation and management, enterprises can maximize approaching zero inventory. 而我们现在讨论的就是从理论上以及目前众商家的实施程度上来讨论现实中的零库存运作方案. And we are talking about is the theory and the current level of implementation of the public business to discuss the reality of the operation of the inventory program.
现在我们来确定一个前提. Now we come to establish a premise. 零库存方案在先排出物流运作的因素之后,首先要考虑的就是信息的交换问题. Inventory logistics operation from the program earlier factors, the first thing to consider is the issue of information exchange. 因为只有信息能及时、合理的正常沟通后,才能正确预测出物料的准确需求量以及供求时间. Because only the information timely, fair and reasonable to communicate before they can correctly predict accurately the demand for materials as well as the time of supply and demand.
家电企业美的有这样一个理念:宁可少卖,不多做库存. Household electrical appliance enterprises have such a beautiful idea: would rather sell less, no more and no less inventory. 这句话体现了美的控制库存的态度以及决心. This reflects the U.S. attitude toward the control of inventory, as well as determination. 而不同的生产模式对应着企业不同的库存控制方法,也就成就了全球数大拥有经典库存控制法的成功企业. And corresponds to a different mode of production of enterprises of different methods of inventory control, it is the number of major achievements in the global inventory control method has a classic business success. 像Dell这样采取按单生产模式的企业,控制原材料和零配件库存更是重中之重. Such as Dell to take by a single mode of production of enterprises, raw materials and spare parts inventory control is a top priority. 一般情况下,包括手头正在进行的作业在内,dell的任何一家工厂里的库存量都不超过5~6个小时的出货量. Under normal circumstances, including ongoing operations, including on-hand, dell, a plant of any of the stocks are not more than 5 ~ 6 hours shipments. 这种模式,就是JIT方式,即以最准时、最经济的生产资料采购和配送满足制造需求. This model is the JIT approach, that is the most punctual, the most economical means of production procurement and distribution to meet the needs of manufacturers.
要想作准预测,来自市场的信息更是不可忽视. Authentic to the forecast, from the information in the market can not be ignored. 然而,从销售渠道中逐级反馈得到的信息,容易产生“皮鞭效应”,因此缩短销售渠道或利用信息系统实现信息共享不失为有效方法. However, feedback from sales channels in the information level, easy to produce a "whip effect", so to shorten the sales channels or the use of information systems can be an effective way to share information. 虽然美的目前的销售仍然沿着一级经销商、二级经销商到零售商的渠道,但它的
四.总结语 IV. Concluding phrase
企业自诞生之日起,就难以摆脱库存的困扰,如何降低库存成本、 提高库存周转效率,一直是企业老总们格外关心、却不容易实现的难题. Enterprise since the date of birth, it would be difficult from the inventory problem, how to reduce inventory costs, improve inventory turnover efficiency, corporate executives have been particularly concerned about the problem is not easy to achieve. 也正因为如此,“零库存”的诱惑才如此之大. Precisely because of this, "Zero" the temptation is so great. 而同时应加以注意的是,由于产品是依托于整条供应链的运转才得以生产、加工和销售的,产品的价值或价格是由整条供应链的成本决定的,而不仅是某个环节. While at the same time should be noted that, as products are based on the entire supply chain was able to operate the production, processing and sales, the value or price of the entire supply chain from the cost of the decision, and not just a link . 所以,所谓的“零库存”应该以整条供应链为考虑基础,而不要仅仅是简单的将库存压力转嫁给了供应商或者分公司. Therefore, the so-called "zero inventory" should be for the entire supply chain into account, and not just a simple inventory pressure onto suppliers or affiliates.
因此,要真正实现“零库存”,需要以下几个必要条件:一是整条供应链的上下游协同配合,仅靠某个企业是绝对不可能的;二是供应链上下游企业的信息化水平相当,并且足够高,因为零库存是与JIT精益生产相伴而生的,这样才能顺其自然地实现供应链伙伴间的“零库存”;三是要有强大的物流系统作支撑. Therefore, in order to truly achieve "zero inventory", the need for a necessary condition for the following: First, the entire upstream and downstream supply chain coordination, only an enterprise is absolutely impossible; Second, the supply chain upstream and downstream enterprises of information technology level and high enough, because the inventory is lean production and JIT attendant, so that what comes naturally to the supply chain partners to achieve the "zero inventory"; The third is to have strong logistics support system. 所以,“零库存”不是某个企业一厢情愿的事情,它不仅依托于整个供应链上下游企业的信息化程度,还需要有合适的产业环境、社会环境,乃至国情. Therefore, "zero inventory" is not a matter of wishful thinking of an enterprise, which not only rely on the entire supply chain upstream and downstream enterprises, the degree of information, we still need the appropriate industry environment, social environment, and even the nation. 盲目追求形式上的“零库存”,只会使强势环节欺压弱势环节,最终破坏整个供应链的平衡. Form of blind pursuit of the "zero inventory", only the strong bully the weak links of links, and ultimately undermine the balance of the whole supply chain. 从现实需求和长远发展看,实现整条供应链的信息化联动,才是通向“零库存”的必由之路. From a realistic and long-term development needs, the realization of the entire information technology supply chain linkage, is leading to "zero inventory" the only way.