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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/20 11:46:19
秋天又是“焜黄物华衰”的季节.原本翠绿的树叶渐渐地失去了生命的本色,在风霜雪雨的侵袭下,一天比一天枯黄,然后悄悄地随风漂落.在那欣赏美景的时刻,不得不用线将那精美的黄叶穿成一串,晾挂在屋檐下,等待享用它燃烧后上面飘来的大煎饼的清香.快流口水了吧,能干的小伙子一气能吃进十个去.离家之后的飘 荡中,再也没有闻到这么亲切的香味!
你悄悄走来,走进田间,麦子香味四飘,那亩亩庄稼,远看好似翻滚的千层波浪 ;近看,麦子,笑弯了腰,高梁涨红了脸、玉米乐开了怀,地里的人忙及了,"唱一曲呀收获的歌,收了麦子,收高梁啊,收了玉米,收大豆啊,收获完了送国家啊."悠洋的歌声道出了农家秋收的喜悦.
你悄悄的走来,带来一见黄衣裳,一见红衣裳,瞧着边的山,象是渡上了一层金色.飘飘悠游从上面飞下无数黄蝴蝶,一伙在半空中盘旋,不知过了多长时间深黄的 衣裳变成了浅黄;浅黄又变成了赫石,你看,它多像一个顽皮的小鬼,瞧那边的山上,高梁如醉,简直是一片红海,遮盖了半个天际,和霞光连在一起,红的像火焰 似的燃烧.这一黄一红的连成一片,给人一种说不出的温暖,甚至都忘了在过几天,寒冬就要来临了.
hometown in the autumn when autumn also home autumn,always blue,so that we,once in a while passing by in the clouds,transform all kinds of graphics,you daydream off out of sight.However it is also a middle-age in the autumn of autumn,always missing at that time my thoughts.A few days ago to linyi,crosses,looking out of the blue sky and white clouds,like return to childhood and home.Autumn is mature,can bring the joy of harvest.Remember that in the twilight of frost and,in the not far in or have a smoke from the lane,pulls the big round and sweet potato,the mood in the words of the present and how ” “ Jello!again,dead leaves a soybean 稞 Lane,looking for endless Chiu-hsiang has,I dare say that this is the world's most delicious beans fragrant!,at least in what is now the city has never been the also!Autumn is “ ” WONG Yuet Wah failure has created a season.The original green leaves gradually lost their true qualities of life,chill infestation,day by day,or wither,and then quietly 漂落 with the wind.In that moment of beauty,had to use the fine line that wearing yellow leaves together,under the eaves of the clothes hanging,wait for the above which burn of large pancakes and fragrant.Now,quickly make your mouth water capable young man a gas can eat into ten.After I left home,ring-there is no smell so sweet fragrance!At that time his hometown of fallen leaves,which have any grief,and now their countless deciduous,just said,in their hearts,once in a while my thoughts out of her comfort,is the destruction of the silent in the face of this,will be a like Nirvana,or whether the evolution of life at a time.(e) to the campus autumn scenery of the breaks,came into the open campus,a wind blowing,let the person felt a wave of a cool breeze.Autumn campus still alight with a pleasant ambience,continues to be so green tree; flowers as if don't know until autumn has come,still open,still the most misguided fragrant with aromatic attracts only bee; Butterfly still dance,on campus,its still lovely attracts students look.The flower bed in the campus away from the tree falling leaves and yellow leaves,people breathe in the air into a white heat.Although it is already a part of the breaks,but the sun still drink,give the plants enough light and heat,so that they can in the cold of the breaks still grow well.The tree is alternately on the campus wind; sometimes they're standing motionless; sometimes they're falling from a tree branch leaves poor leaves.However,these do not affect the green trees in the fall.The flowers are all campuses,and even got open,even as we have had a busy bees honey bees,there are many flowers,flitting around looking for which one is better.Dedicated to the play-by-play sky and generosity of spirit,in study hall,after dark,feeling very mysterious,high in the sky with a few stars sprinkled,let speculation:other stars are gone?I love the play-by-play,love this crystal clear sky,love there is a season of autumnal!(f) a fascinating scenery you quietly,silence,a blink of an eye,the Earth is gold-coloured clothes.You crept to,came into the field,the wheat flavor four fly out the window,the Mu Mu look like the range of crops,the thousand waves; a close look at,wheat,curled up,sorghum up,corn Le Huai,who is busy in the field and the,"to sing a song of harvest Qu-Ah,received $ wheat,sorghum,Ah,a corn,soybean harvest received Ah,finished sending countries.The songs of "Ocean must be careful in the farmhouse of harvest in joy.You quietly to give an opinion on Mr WONG,clothes,clothes at the sight of red,looked at the side of mountains,suspiciously like crossing a gold.My traveling in the myriad from above fly,a group of Yellow Butterfly in mid-air,I do not know how long it took deep yellow gown turned pale yellow; Dov turned pale yellow stone,you see,it's more like a naughty little devils,girls of the mountains,sorghum drunk,it's a piece of the Red Sea,covering half the sky,and sunset together,hung like a flame burning.This Huang Yi-red blend into each other,have a kind of warm,even here in the cold of winter in a few days,is about to come round.You quietly,brought the beautiful autumn will bring the beauty,yielded fruit,listen to,the main attraction,excitement,it's been a year of people to face the inner pressure on backs of joy:"and ushered in a year."I have a crush at autumn--autumn!all season,fruit harvest season,big time of year.Seven,the fall is coming and the autumn as they face.Piles and piles of dark grey of the cloud,low ground pressure.Is already a part of the breaks,the vast expanse of the forest to forest trees are bare,old trees stood as a fiddle,let Brown fur hold him of wrinkles.Ruthless fall off their beautiful clothes,they had to blight bald stood there.