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英语翻译- Dear Sir/Ma,My name is Diana Mobongo,20 Years old and

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 17:49:08
- Dear Sir/Ma,My name is Diana Mobongo,20 Years old and a citizens of Sierra - Leone.I am the eldest Daughter of late Royal Chief.Harrison Mobongo,of Sierra-Leone,a Gold and DIAMOND merchant before his death.My father,mother and two of my Junior brothers were killed by rebels ,during the war in Sierra-Leone,right now,I am at the BUJUGUBURA refugee camp here in Accra,Ghana.Before the death of my father,he deposited a Box which is Valued sum of (18.5) (EIGHTEEN MILLION FIVE HUNDRED THOUSAND AMERICAN DOLLARS) in a trunk Box at a security company vault as Family Valuables here in Accra-Ghana and named me the next –of –kin being the eldest Daughter.I am contacting you because I need a God fearing,trustworthy and reliable individual who will help me receive the consignment in his country and help me in area of investment out of Africa and also help me out of Africa to start a new life.For your help in helping me receive my family treasures and funds as the beneficiary,I will offer you 25% of the total sum (18.5 Million),70% will be for me and 5% will be set aside for any expenses which may come up during the process of this.But you must keep this transaction SECRET because I don’t want anybody here in Africa to know that my late father still have such amount in my name being a refugee here.Please I will want you to get back to me as quickly as possible.I will detail you more immediately I receive your acceptance response.Please here is my private Email(dmobongo1988@gmail.com) if you are ready to help me please do let me know so that I will send to you all Legal Documentation and details of the Deposit that was made by my late father.Thank you in advance and May God bless you and your family.God bless,Diana Mobongo
英语翻译- Dear Sir/Ma,My name is Diana Mobongo,20 Years old and
-亲爱的先生/马,我的名字是戴安娜M obongo,2 0岁和一个公民的塞拉利昂-塞拉利昂.我的长女晚皇家首席.哈里森Mobongo ,塞拉利昂,塞拉利昂,一个黄金和钻石商人在他death.My父亲,母亲和我的两个小兄弟被叛乱分子杀害,战争期间,在塞拉利昂,塞拉利昂,现在,我在BUJUGUBURA难民营在加纳首都阿克拉.去世前我的父亲,他存放箱这是值总和( 18.5 ) (十八百万五十万美金)在树干上盒保安公司金库作为家庭贵重物品在阿克拉,加纳和命名为我的未来的亲属正在长子Daughter.I上午与您联系,因为我需要一个上帝担心,可信,可靠的个人谁会帮助我收到寄售在他的国家,并帮助我在投资领域走出非洲,也帮助我的非洲,开始新的life.For您的帮助,帮助我得到我的家庭财富和资金的受益者,我会为您提供25 %的总和( 18.5万美元) ,70 %将用于我和5 %将被设置用于任何开支可能出现的过程中这一点.但是,你必须跟上这笔交易的秘密,因为我不想让任何人在非洲知道,我已故的父亲仍然有这样的金额我的名字是一个难民here.Please我会要你回来给我尽快.我会更详细你马上我收到您接受的反应.请在这里是我的私人电子邮件( dmobongo1988@gmail.com )如果您愿意帮助我请不要让我知道这样,我将发送给您的所有法律文件及其他资料,存款是我国提出的年底father.Thank你事先愿上帝保佑你和你的family.God保佑,黛安娜Mobongo