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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/25 04:24:57
“西方人重视外向的行动和行为,他们相信只有进取,铤而走险,快速行动,并有成就才是积极的品质,而这种‘动’和‘做事’取向使他们养成了外向的性格,向外索取的精神,习惯大大方方的表达自己,敢于毫不遮掩的宣泄情感.”[12] (周义,徐志红.中西文化比较[M].北京:人民教育出版社,2004.P30.) In contrast with this,中国人对紧盯着自己看的目光会感到不自在,甚至惶惑不安.这是因为,“在中国文化中,‘仁’是人们交际的最高标准和最终目的,同时又以礼作为一切行为(包括交际行为)的标准,所谓‘非礼勿视,非礼勿听,非礼勿言,非礼勿动’.而且由于受‘他人取向’的影响,中国人极好面子,言行要看别人脸色,在别人面前,如果不能善行,或给别人留下不好印象,就会有羞耻之感.因此,中国文化也常被称为‘耻感文化’.” ([13]贾玉新.跨文化交际学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.P64.)正是由于“非礼勿视”“羞耻感”文化的影响,才会出现对紧盯的眼光的不自在.
出现这一差别与东西方所处的文化环境是分不开的.“东方文化属于强交际环境文化,所谓的强交际文化就是人们对微妙的环境提示较为敏感,表现为性格内隐,含蓄,反应很少外露等特征.而相反,西方属于弱交际环境文化,在弱交际环境的文化中,交际过程中所产生的信息量的大部分由显性的语码负载,相对地讲,只有少量的信息蕴涵在隐性的环境之中,表现为性格外显,明了,反应外露等特征.”(贾玉新.跨文化交际学[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,1997.P64.) 因此,美国人很少掩饰他们的内心感受,心里有什么感受,他们总是会在外部表情上有所显露.中国人则感情比较内敛,宁可独自享受幸福或独自承受痛苦,也不轻易在公共场合表现出来.应该说,与美国人相比,中国人的民族性格中更多的是含蓄的一面.
This is because the countries with English culture filled with way of life of individual centers, any physical intimacy between same-sex implies homosexuality. While China lives in the lifestyle which attaches more importance to social environment, so there would no worries about intimate physical contact between two men.
Anthropologists divided culture into two broad categories: contact culture and the non-contact culture. Americans and the North europeans belonge to the first category, while the Asians are the second category.
"Westerners focus outward actions and behavior, they believe that only aggressive, desperate, fast action, and a success are positive qualities, and this 'movement' and 'behavior' orientation help they develop an outward-looking character, the spirit to obtaine from outside world, and the habit of openly express themselves, dare to vent their feelings without cover. "[12] (Zhou yi, Zhi-Hong Xu. Comparison of Chinese and Western cultures [M]. Beijing: People's Education Press, 2004.P30.) In contrast with this, Chinese people will feel uncomfortable even nervous while someone is watching at them.This is because, "in Chinese culture,
'Ren' is one of the highest standards of communication and the ultimate purposes, as well as all acts Li Youyi (including communicative behavior) standards, so-called 'Evil, Do not listen to indecent assault, indecent assault not to words, indecent assault and not to move'. And because of the 'other-oriented' and is an excellent Chinese people face, words and deeds to look at other people face, in front of others, if not good deeds, or to leave bad impression to others, there will be a sense of shame. Therefore, the Chinese culture is also often referred to as 'shame culture'. "([13] Jia new. Cross-cultural Communication Science [M]. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1997.P64.) Precisely because the influence of the 'shame culture',people on the vision would be uncomfortable.
This difference appears with the East and West in which the cultural environment are inseparable. "Eastern culture are strong communication environment, culture, and the so-called strong communication culture is people are more sensitive to subtle environmental cues, showing the character implicit, subtle and response characteristics such as little exposed. But, rather, the West belongs to the weak communication environment, culture, and in Weak communication environment, culture, communication in the process of most of the amount of information generated by the dominant code-load, relatively speaking, only a small amount of information is embedded in the hidden environment, manifested in personality explicit, clear The response characteristics of exposure. "(Jia new. Cross-cultural Communication Science [M].Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press, 1997.P64. ) So, the Americans rarely conceal their inner feelings, mind, what feelings, they always will be exposed on the external face. The feelings of the Chinese people are more introverted and prefer to enjoy the happiness of its own or on their own pain, and are not easily shown in public. It should be said, with the Americans, the Chinese people's national character in more of a subtle side.