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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/22 03:41:37
first :Trust
Recently,many people agree that trust each other is the basis of interpersonal communications.Trust plays a pervasive role in social affairs,even sustaining acts of cooperation among strangers.
Nowadays it is an age nearly nothing could be believed except being checked and investigated.We admit that technology can make abundant products,help us to accumulate boundless wealth in modern society.But technology is not omnipotent; as it is powerless facing human distrust.Because of distrust,we suspect the effect of the medicine advertised.Because of distrust,we dear not to open the door for the people in need of help.The society becomes a desert of love .as a matter of fact,modern society needs more trust .
Lack of trust brings with it a great waste of time and energy; If everybody would untrustworthy,the society becomes a terrible place to live.In short,where is no trust there’s no modern society.
jul.30th 2007 shark
second :Green land
Nowadays ,the issue of green land has been brought into focus.It was once thought that the decrease in green land only resulted in bad atmosphere.Today we know that many environment problem are either a direct or indirect consequence of little green land.People are suffering from unpleasant weather such as high temperature ,drought ,flood and cyclone.
It is no doubt that green land helps improve and beautify the environment.People would relax themselves on green land.and more fresh and wettish atmosphere would product through photosynthesis.Whatsmore,more green land would decrease the possibility of high temperature or drought .We live in will become worse if we are blind in this problem.
In order to increase the Green land,The most effective way is that plant more grass,bloom and trees anywhere should planted.And the government should enact a law to limit people destroy green land .Only in this way can we live with a quality life
帮忙写两篇英语作文1.你的朋友结婚了,写一篇80词的英语作文:你得知他结婚很高兴,邀请他和妻子来中国玩2.你在商店买了一 写一篇英语作文,内容是春节快到了,给你的外国朋友写一封信,邀请他来中国和你一起过中国的传统节日. “春节快到了,给你的外国朋友些一封信,邀请他来中国和你一起过中国的传统节日”的一篇英语作文 英语作文:你在欧洲玩了一周,受到款待,写一封感谢信,同时邀请他来武汉来玩. 假如你是李华,你的朋友peter将来中国旅行,请写信邀请他来你家乡玩,外语作文, 你在英国的朋友邀请你去看奥运会,对他的邀请表示感谢,并介绍你到英国后的打算,写一篇英语作文 英语作文,贺信!假如你是李华,你得知在美国的朋友tom后天要过生日了.你通过E-mail给他写封贺信.感谢他三年来给你的 英语作文,假如你是李刚,要去公园玩,邀请你的朋友Alan,可是他不在,给他写个便条如何在公园找到 大家 如果你远在美国的朋友来中国 让你去机场接他 但是你 的奶奶却生病了 你要跟他说明原因 这样的英语作文 请写一篇 谢 帮忙写一篇英语作文 内容:假如你是李明,你的必有麦克在过年时收到了很多压岁钱,他本来打算买一部新手 英语作文你买了一件新外套,非常漂亮,也非常的舒服合身,你的朋友jim来你家拜访,你很高兴,迫不及待的想把外套给他看,你们 假设你的生日快到了,请写封信给你的朋友,邀请他(她)来参加你的生日partty你应怎么说(英语作文)