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1篇四十字的我最喜欢的季节 英语作文

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 12:33:22
1篇四十字的我最喜欢的季节 英语作文
1篇四十字的我最喜欢的季节 英语作文
1春 Spring, with the first drop a spring rain, the spring breeze, the first a spring flower, blossom falls, blowing. (春,随着第一滴春雨,第一阵春风,第一朵春天的花,落下,吹来,绽放.)
"You've seen them color", no.19 become autumn leaves one scene. (“一叶知秋色”,落叶飘飘成为秋色一景.)
在一年中的四个季节里,我反感春天温暖的阳光和和煦的春风,讨厌夏天的炎热,厌倦万花凋谢的冬天,偏偏对落叶萧萧的秋天情有独钟.(3. My favourite season
In a year the four seasons, I dislike spring warm sunshine and balmy winds and hate the heat in the summer, tired of flower fade of winter, 000 to, the rustling autumn leaves are has a special liking.)
秋,把丰硕的果实留给了人间,把美好的祝福留给了人间.秋呢,便拂袖而去,树枝摇曳,叶儿欲追随秋的足迹,乘风而去,在空中打了几个旋转,又飘然而落,留下了一个美好的思念和静静的沉思.秋就这样默默地为人们“服务”,而我们也不知该回报什么给它.我爱秋,更爱它那不图回报,甘心为人们“服务”的高尚品德!(In the season of thermal voldemort strongest - summer succumbed, autumn will exceed lightsome pace came to earth. Not for a moment, then everywhere in the city full of autumn scene, a bit of summer breath also have no.
Autumn, came to the campus, at the moment, all kinds of flowers from heat freed, reveal the vitality. At this moment, a few leaf fell on the ground, the wind blowing their spinning autumn for this great dance. Oh, great autumn!
Autumn, came to the field, enthusiastically with hanging in a tree of a string of corn to greet, golden economicsystem other delectable, the full corn LiEr to show off autumn peculiar feminine charm. The eaves, autumn to be kissed chili face red, and like a fire GuaGua waiting for people lighting firecrackers... Autumn, flapping gently farmers face, for crops, "added" blessing for farmer added happy. Oh, great autumn!
Autumn, came to the orchard, open its "make up box", put the apple rubbed through red, orange wipe the grapes have golden, purple tu2 YingYing... Autumn launched it all, pleased smile, smile... Oh, great autumn!
Autumn, the fruitful fruit to earth, put the blessings of a beautiful Christmas season left to the earth. Autumn? Then left the carnage behind, twigs swaying, marked to follow autumn footprint, ride away in the air and made some rotation, and float however falls, leaving behind a good thoughts and quiet contemplation. Autumn so silently for people "service", and we don't know what the return to it. I love autumn, the more love it not return, freewill for people "service" moral character!)
额 就这么多了 !