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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 23:18:30
In general,Americans do not usually pay attention to the dress.When dealing with the Americans,should pay attention to each other in the following dress about,so let the other have a negative impression.
First,Americans are very focused on clean clothing.
Second,when the Americans to visit,enter the door to take off his hat and jacket,the Americans think this is an act of courtesy.
Third,Americans attach great importance to details of dress.
Fourth,in the United States,women should not wear black皮裙.
Fifth,in the United States,if a woman in casual men take off their shoes before,or dress撩动their lap,often deliberately to lure would give rise to suspicion of each other.
Sixth,wearing pajamas,slippers to receive visitors,or to go out this dress would be regarded as impolite Americans.
VII,the Americans believe that when access to public places of Yan makeup,or in public make-up before the public补妆will not only be considered as a bred,but also may be people that the "suspicious identity." Eighth,still wearing sunglasses indoors,do not pick people who will always be regarded by Americans as "the sun shall not see the person."
French clothing for the stress in the world is the most well-known.The so-called "Paris style" in the eyes of the world with fashion,popular meaning of the same.In a formal setting:the French usually wear suits or dress套裙,colors,mostly blue,gray or black,the texture is more pure.When attending the opening ceremony:穿礼服generally.Worn by men with the bow for the coat,suit or black suit; President is worn for dress dress-type large or small monochrome dress.The dress,France with a focus on whether people think that well.
German in the overall dress style,is a solemn,simple,clean and tidy.Under normal circumstances,the Germans are more modest clothing.Most men爱穿suits,jackets,and like to wear hat.Women are mostly long gown and lapel爱穿color,elegant design of the dress.German appearance in a formal setting,it is necessary to wear a neat,dark clothes for the general.Contacts in business,they pay attention to men wearing three-piece suit,ladies dress clothes to wear.Germans placed more importance on hair.In Germany,men should not shave their head to avoid being treated as "neo-Nazi" elements.German girl's hair more than short hair or long hair for hair,perm most women are married.
Instruments are about the Russian People's Congress,pay attention to clothes.Civil society in Russia,married women to wear headscarves,and the mainly white; unmarried girls do not wear headscarves,but often wear hats.In the city,the Russian people to wear a suit or more than the current套裙,Russian women often have to wear a dress.Went to visit the Russian people,the door immediately after consciously take off your coat,gloves and hat,and摘下墨镜.This is a courtesy.
And medium-sized cities in the dress of the Egyptians were the world,however,the elderly are more conservative dress,the Egyptians are generally not prohibitively奇装异服.Note that if Egypt sent gifts to friends must remember that design is not to the stars,pigs,dogs,cats and pandas patterns,as contrary to national customs.
英语翻译总体而言,美国人平时的穿着打扮不太讲究.跟美国人打交道时,应注意对方在穿着打扮上的下列讲究,免得让对方产生不良印 班级中正在开展小小辩论会,有的同学认为小学生穿着打扮要不要讲究,要简朴.也有同学认为小学生应该注意仪表形象,穿着打扮要体 与外国人(美国人,韩国人)聊天时应注意什么?怎么样才能让对方对话题感兴趣? 口语交际(六年级)班级中正在开展小小辩论会,有同学认为小学生穿着打扮不必太讲究,要简朴.也有同学认为小学生应该注意仪表形 美国人写字是怎么回事第一天学英语时,练习的是那种很正规的字,稍稍有点斜,而且都在四条线间,距离很讲究.上大学遇到了美国人 英语翻译隐私权:美国人通常很尊重别人的隐私.就是知己间也很少问对方太“切身”的问题.例如,年龄,薪水及婚姻状况.也很少谈 英语翻译中国人跟美国人对夸赞的反应方式是不同的.美国人对频频出现的称赞语从肯定方面坦然接受,并感谢对方.而中国人往往却做 求描写现代女生穿着打扮的句子. 找几个描述一个人穿着打扮的词语 英语翻译美国人的饮食习惯是一日三餐.他们讲究吃的是否科学、营养,讲求效率和方便,一般不在食物精美细致上下工夫.早餐时间, 讲究卫生的讲究是什么意思 英语翻译在宴席上,可以讲究餐具,讲究用料,讲究服务,讲究菜之原料的形、色方面的搭配;但不管怎么豪华高档,从洛杉矶到纽约,