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英语翻译程序员笔试题:1.RCPPurpose of the project Test the candidate's

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/22 09:47:04
程序员笔试题:1.RCPPurpose of the project Test the candidate's learning capability and problem solving skillRequirements 1.Design an eclipse RCP application which uses menu or button to display "hello,world".2.Design a module which will add menu or button to the previous application,the new menu or button will display "hello,SoEasy".The previous application should be able to get updated by this new module over the web.Implementation Conditions 1.This project should be submitted by email.It is desired to have the second part submitted as URL,regardless whether candidate can manage to get the second part working over the web or not,a detail documentation is required.2.This project should be finished within 4 days.2.Date SortingPurpose of the project Test the candidate's computer science background(algorithm and coding)Requirements Use any programming language(java,c/c++,python,perl,etc) to sort 1000 integers with only one array/list which can hold only 10 integers.You can use some local/temp variables,but no more collection/list/array structures.Implementation Conditions 1.This project should generate 1000 random integers,and print out the result,and total number of comparisons you execute in the code.The goal is to minimize comparisons.2.This project should be finished within 2 days.
英语翻译程序员笔试题:1.RCPPurpose of the project Test the candidate's
1.RCPPurpose测试项目的候选人的学习能力和解决问题的skillRequirements 1.日蚀RCP应用设计,使用菜单或按钮来显示“你好,世界”.2.设计一个模块将添加菜单或按钮到以前的应用、新菜单或按钮会显示“你好,SoEasy”.以前的应用程序应该能够得到这个新的模块更新网站.实施条件1.这个项目应该提交的电子邮件它是想要有第二部分提交的URL,不管是候选人能弄到第二部分工作网站,一个详细的文件要求.2这个项目应该在4 days.2完成.项目的日期SortingPurpose测试候选人的电脑科学背景和编码算法)要求使用任何程序语言,(java,c/c++,python,perl,etc)排序1000整数的数组和只有一个名单,其中可容纳只有10个整数.你可以用一些地方/临时变量,但没有更多的收集和列表/阵列结构.实施条件1.这个项目应该产生随机抽取的1000整数,并且打印出了结果,你总人数的比较执行代码.目的是为了减少的比较.2.这个项目应该在2天完成