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Many US farmers are worried about 1.hot and dry weather this

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/01 13:05:08
Many US farmers are worried about 1.hot and dry weather this summer.2.It is hard for them to get a good harvest.An early summer heat wave comes across the West.That makes farmers need more water to save dry plants.But in many places,water is not enough.They also need water to fight fires in western states like California,Nevada and Washington.The dry weather there brings fires.Temperatures have gone up to about 38℃ in parts of Colorado,Montana and Wyoming.It’s higher than in the past.People say that the northern part of Alabama is the driest in about one hundred years.Because grasslands are becoming fewer and fewer,many farmers in Mississippi,Georgia and Tennessee have no food for their cows.So they have sold about half of their farm animals earlier than usual.Drought is not the only weather problem now.Recently,too much rain falls in the southeastern places.To the east,rains of 25cm or more trouble the western Gulf of Mexico.3.It is really bad for the wheat.1.从文章中找出一个单词来代替划线 1_________ 2.写出划线2的同义句 ______________________________________________ 3.California,Nevada and Washington are in the __________ of the US.4.Many farmers in Mississippi,Georgia and Tennessee have sold about half of their farm animals earlier than usual because________________________ 5.划线3中“it”是指 _______________________________________________ .
Many US farmers are worried about 1.hot and dry weather this
许多美国农民担心1.hot干燥的天气,这summer.2.it是他们很难获得好收成.一个初夏的热浪席卷西部的来源.这使农民们需要更多的水来拯救干旱的植物.但在许多地方,水是不够的.他们也需要水来扑灭火灾在西部的一些州如加利福尼亚,内华达和华盛顿.在干燥的天气带来的火灾.温度上升到约38℃在科罗拉多州,蒙大纳和怀俄明.这是比以往更高.人们说,阿拉巴马州的北部被一百年来最干旱的地区.因为草原变得越来越少,许多农民在密西西比州,乔治亚州和田纳西州没有吃他们的牛.所以他们卖掉了一半的牲畜的比平时早.干旱不是唯一的气候问题.最近,太多的雨落在东南部的地方.向东,25厘米或更多的麻烦的mexico.3.it湾西部真正为小麦是坏的雨.1.1 _________写出划线从文章中找出一个单词来代替划线2.2的同义句______________________________________________ 3.加利福尼亚,内华达和华盛顿是美国的__________.4.许多农民在密西西比州,乔治亚州和田纳西州卖出了大约一半的农场动物比平常早因为________________________ 5.3中划线“它”是指_______________________________________________. 再答: ���㷭��һ��