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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:综合作业 时间:2024/09/29 05:27:17
whoever=anyone who
whom=anyone whom
whatever = anything that
(定语)any that
whichever=anyone /anything that/who
定语 any that
这里whatever 和whichever 后很多的用法,不过我只说一些 关于从句的用法区别.
whichever根本不同于更不能替代 whoever whom whatever.
whichever 本身是疑问副词,有副词词性.whatever是疑问代词,有代词词性.副词和代词怎么能相互替换?比如:你可以说“You should learn to relax by whichever method suits you best”.但是你不能说You should near to relax by whatever method suits you best.如果你要用whatever就应该去掉method,说成by whatever suits you best.因为whatever是代词,后面跟不需要再接一个名词method.
相反,而whichever作为一个副词,后面必须接一个名词或者修饰一个名词.比如 你只能说 come and have some beverage whichever you like.或者come and have some whichever beverage you like.
所以,在有whatever的从句里,whatever在语法功能上和what没什么区别,能用whatever的地方也能用what替代,这在语法上完全正确,但是意思就变了.whatever和what引导的从句在主句里就相当一个名词成分.而whichever引导的从句相当于一个形容词成分或副词成分,也就是定语或是状语.比如上面的例子some beverage whichever you like,这里whichever you like就是一个从句作定语就是beverage.再比如:Whichever of the fitness classes you opt for,trained instructors are there to help you.不管你选择哪种健身课,都会有专业教练帮助你.这里whichever of the fitness classes you opt for就是作为一个从句做状语(让步状语从句),不管你选择哪种健身课.而以上的两个例子里面的whichever,十分明显地,不能用whatever替换.这两个词不等同!
再说whom和whoever这两个词是用来引导从句修饰人的.which和whichever不能修饰人.自然也不等同.比如你可以说 Whoever answers my question shall get my recognition.任何回答我问题的人都能得到我的认同.你绝对不能说whichever answers my question shall get my recognition.任何回答我问题的“东西”都能得到我的认同.
再问: 大概已经明白了,但是 Whichever of the fitness classes you opt for, trained instructors are there to help you Whichever of 如何转换成 例如这个对不对? Whichever of you comes first will receive a prize. any one of you that comes first will receive a prize. 【【我自己归纳的,因为我发现我之前的有问题,你看看 whoever=anyone that/who whatever=anything that whichever=any that
再答: 你想说你们中的任何一个先到的人将得到奖励吗?应该是 whoever of you comes first shall get a prize. 你总结的头两个应该是对的。后面一个whichever不等于any that。这得具体情况具体分析。我上面说了whichever引导状语或是定语。any that 没这个语法功能。