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翻译一段英文 服装he Tang Dynasty was characterized by a curiosity ab

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/08 02:24:18
翻译一段英文 服装
he Tang Dynasty was characterized by a curiosity about other cultures, such as Persia. Women wore high-waisted, low-necked, full-cut gowns, some with flowing sleeves. During the Song Dynasty, necklines generally were higher and gowns less voluminous. Costume of the Yuan Dynasty was influenced by
the Mongols-rulers of China for nearly a century-in the del, a simply cut wrap-style gar-
ment that closed on the wearer's right. The Ming Dynasty, lasting almost three hundred
years, saw some further changes in costume, including the shoulder cape (page 24) and long
tunic (pages 25 and 27). The Qing Dynasty marked the beginning of the influence of the
Manchu-nomadic warriors who dominated the country from 1644 until 1911-on the
Han people, the major Chinese ethnic group. Manchu garments were designed for ease and
comfort in horseback riding. The Manchu influence can be seen in the "horsehoof" cuff,
shown on pages 37 and 39. In addition, Manchu-style loops and toggle fasteners permeat-
ed Han Chinese costume. Similarly, the Manchu adopted Han-style garment borders.
Whereas female workers and young women of the Han group wore trousers, Manchu
women did not. Finally, simplicity and practicality were the dominant themes of dress dur-
ing the Republic Period-a radical departure from the elaborate designs of traditional
Chinese costume. Sources of information about Chinese costume include actual garments
in museums and private collections; representations of garments in watercolor paintings,
and, more recently, photos; and literary descriptions.
Costume of the Yuan Dynasty was influenced by
the Mongols-rulers of China for nearly a century-in the del, a simply cut wrap-style gar-
ment that closed on the wearer's right.
翻译一段英文 服装he Tang Dynasty was characterized by a curiosity ab
分太少了 哥们
宋朝的时候,领口更高,长袍没有唐朝宽大.元代的服饰受统治中国将近100年的蒙古人影响,外观是简单包紧的风格,(closed on the wearer's right,这句话的意思就是蒙古人的衣服么,包裹着最后系在右边腰处)系在穿戴着的腰处.明代的时候,这个持续了将近300年的王朝,见证了一些进一步的服饰的变化,包括衣角(24页)和束腰外衣(25,27页).清朝的统治标志着满人游牧民族战士的服饰对汉人服饰的影响的开始,1644-1911,主要的汉人服饰群体,满族服饰以骑马舒适方便为目的设计的,从马蹄掌救能看出满族的影响,本书37-39页,此外,满族风格以环相扣肘节(我向应该是衣服上像背包一样用环环相扣)的方式也渗透到了汉人服饰,类似的,满族人也吸收了汉人外衣衣襟的款式,有鉴于汉人女性工人和少女都穿裤子,(实在没搞懂),满族的女人却不.最终,简单实用的衣服一直在民国时期占领主要的地位,而中国传统设计的服饰却退出了他们的舞台.信息来源于中国服饰包括博物馆收藏的服饰和私人收藏,水彩画中代表性服饰,和,最近,图片,文学作品中.