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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/06 14:33:41
As I sit here,in early2003,I have before me several pages of manuscript bearing majestically encouraging and tactful notes from Ian Tatterwall of the American Museum of Natural History pointing out,inter alia,that Periguetix is not a wine-producing region that it is inventive but a touch unorthodox of me to italicize taxonomic divisions above the level of genus and species,that I have persistently misspelled Olorgesailile(a place I visited only recently),and so on in similar vein through two chapters of text covering his area of experitise,early humans.
我坐在这里,现在是2003年初,我面前是几页来自美国自然历史博物馆Ian Tatterwall
的手写审阅稿.在审阅稿中,Ian Tatterwall热情地鼓励我,同时也委婉地指出其中的问题,他特别指出,Periguetix不是葡萄酒产区,我用斜体字来表示生物种属以上的分类有创意但不正规,以及我不断地拼错Olorgesailile(这地方我刚去过),等等问题.Ian Tatterwall 以同样的方式既鼓励又委婉的方式审阅了覆盖他的专业领域早期人类的两章.
分析:that Periguetix is not a wine-producing region that it is inventive but a touch unorthodox of me to italicize taxonomic divisions above the level of genus and species,这句话中间应该有一个逗号,如下:that Periguetix is not a wine-producing region,that it is inventive but a touch unorthodox of me to italicize taxonomic divisions above the level of genus and species,
句子主干是:I have pages bearing notes pointing out that...,that...,that...,(意思:我有几页稿纸,其上有审阅意见,意见指出如此,如此,如此)
其中bearing notes pointing out that...,that...,that...,是非谓语短语作定语修饰pages;另一个非谓语短语pointing out that...,that...,that...,也作定语修饰notes.
再问: 谢谢!能否留个qq.号,以后有不懂的还希望您赐教?
再答: 不好意思,非常少用QQ。如有需要,可用知道的向他提问或私信。但是由于英语实际上粗疏又忙碌,恐怕会让您失望。另外。如果回答让您满意,可否点击采纳,我将为自己的努力有所意义而感到非常开心。