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来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/21 20:27:03
(The singer is singing a song called “Someone like you”.)
Judge A:I choose you.Follow me!
Judge B:No,no,no.You really should follow me.I’ll helpyou to make your music dream become true.
Judge C:Hey,you guys stop arguing.He’s mine,I alreadychose him ahead of you.
The singer:Each of you are so talented,I don’t know who Ishould decide.
Judge A:What is your dream?
The singer:My dream is to become a professional singer.
Judge B:Ok,I promise I will fulfill your dream.
Judge C:Well,I can also help you to fulfill your dream.The thing you only need to do is to trust me.
The singer:Thank you guys so much!
Judge A:Well,I have confidence to train you to be the nextXiao Shenyang,so come to my family.
Judge B:My house welcomes you to come anytime.I can trainyou to be the next Li Yuchun.
Judge C:Do you think it is very easy to be a singer as LiYuchun does?
Judge D:Yeah,Xiao Shenyang is not easy to imitate either.
The singer:I don’t want to become anyone else!I want to bemyself!
Judge A:That’s right.I am waiting for this sentence.So pleasecome to my family.
Judge B:You are the person that I am looking for.
The singer:Again,thank you guys so much.
Judge C:So now is your choice,choose wisely.
Judge D:You won’t ever be regret if you choose me.
The singer:Okay.So my choice is…
Judge A:Oh God,stop one second please.I am too nervous atthis moment.
Judge B:I can’t say any words already,oh god.
Judge C:I get more nervous if you guys keep talking likethis.
Judge D:You know what,let’s just stop,okay?!
The singer:I am the singer who has grant aspiration.Youguys aren’t qualified to be my tutor.
(The singer starts to sing.)
Judge A,B,C,and D starts to crying together.
翻译成英语在语比赛中得了第一,我早给外教Susan发一封电子邮件告诉她我获奖的消息,并感谢她过去对我的指导和鼓励表示感谢 假如你是李华,上周五你校举办了一场英语演讲比赛,你荣获一等奖.请给外教Susan发一封电子邮件,告诉她你获奖的消息,并对 “我只会爱她,我会给她幸福!每天见她、和她说话、问她问题.就是我最幸福的事!”翻译成英语怎么说 英语作文lily写信给edward对她在美国期间受到edward和他夫人的热情接待表示感谢,感谢他将她介绍给他朋友,并带 谁悄悄的告诉她、我一直在爱着她.求翻译成英文. 如果不是他鼓励我 我不会向她表达我的情感翻译成英文 电子邮件翻译成英文你好。我的名字叫做李立力。很高兴能给你写电子邮件。BOBO是我的姐姐,因为我快要毕业了,她和我都在为我 求翻译成英语:***是我的好朋友,她马上就要过生日了,她的生日在愚人节,我和***希望给她一个能让她觉得快乐的惊喜.** 6年级英语作文,你的朋友Linda得了重感冒,她没有上学留在家里,请你根据这一情况给她发一封电子邮件.帮我啊啊啊、我都不 急需一篇英语作文 你的朋友在学校歌唱比赛中得第一名,并及时把这消息告诉了你,写封信想她表示祝贺 我的女朋友对我很好,我也很爱她,希望朋友们帮我写一篇文章给她!我想借这篇文章告诉她,我会永远和她在 英语翻译请帮我把下面对话翻译成英语,快速(我不知道该送些什么给她,最后我决定为她洗一次脚,她对我说她收到最好的生日礼物就