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英语翻译The response of two peanut cultivars (Tainan 9 and SK 38

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/10/05 18:28:18
The response of two peanut cultivars (Tainan 9 and SK 38) to applications of six boron (B) rates (H3BO 3 at 0,0.12,0.25,0.5,1 and 2kg B ha -1) at two calcium levels [nil (-Ca) or CaSO 4 at 100kg Ca ha-~(+Ca)] to a B-deficient Oxic Paleustult was studied in a pot experiment.Without added Ca,both cultivars had low seed yields and gave only small responses to B.Similarly,without added B,both cultivars had low seed yields and did not respond to Ca.But,with added Ca or B,they responded strongly to B and Ca,respectively.In both cultivars,deficiencies of Ca or B depressed seed dry weight by depressing seed size by over 75%.Boron deficiency further depressed seed dry weight by decreasing the number of seeds per plant by decreasing the number of seeds per pod in Tainan 9,and the number of pods per plant in SK 38.Seed dry weight was depressed more than pod dry weight,so that both Ca
and B deficiencies severely depressed the shelling %.With added Ca,Tainan 9 responded to lower levels of B than SK 38,reaching maximum seed dry weight at 0.12 kg B ha- 1.At this low level of B,SK 38 yielded only half the seed dry weight of Tainan 9.But SK 38 continued to respond to increasing
levels of B to 2 kg ha -1,producing a maximum seed yield 40% higher than Tainan 9.The results indicate that where all other nutrients are adequate,SK 38 will yield better than Tainan 9 on soils with high B,but worse on soils with low B.The implications of these findings for the selection of peanut
cultivars are discussed.
Peanut is widely grown in tropical and sub- tropical regions,often on sandy soils with low levels of Ca or B (Cox et al.,1982).In the northeast region of Thailand,where it is grown on sandy soils by farmers who use very little fertilizer,empty pods or pods with shrivelled seed are common problems in peanut (OAE,
1987).The problems appear to be more severe in varieties with three seeds per pod than those with two seeds per pod (Toomsan,personal com- munication).Pod filling in peanut is known to be strongly depressed by inadequate Ca in the soil
(Cox et al.,1982).On such soils,application of Ca generally increases seed yield,but in Thai- land treatment of peanut with Ca has given inconsistent results (FAO,1973).In the work reported by the FAO,no micronutrient fertiliz- ers were included with the basal nutrients.Sub-
sequent studies have shown B deficiency is rela- tively widespread in Thailand (Keerati-Kasikorn et al.,1987; 1988; Netsangtip et al.,1987; Rerkasem et al.,1988),and application of B fertilizers to peanut crops increased seed yield,quality and size (Keerati-Kasikorn et al.,1987;
1988; Rerkasem et al.,1988).
英语翻译The response of two peanut cultivars (Tainan 9 and SK 38
回应二花生品种(台南9和SK 38 )的应用6硼(二)利率( h3bo 3 0,0.12 , 0.25 , 0.5 , 1和2千克b公顷-1 ) ,二钙水平[无( - CA台湾)或caso 4日在100公斤钙公顷- 〜 ( +钙) ]的B -好氧paleustult不足,研究了在盆栽试验.没有补充钙,两品种低,种子产量和了,只有小的反应,乙同样,没有补充, b ,两品种低,种子产量和没有回应的CA .但是,随着补充钙或B ,他们的反应强烈, B和钙,分别.在这两个品种,不足的钙或B低迷种子干重由沮丧的种子大小超过75 % .缺硼进一步压抑种子干重减少的数目植物种子,每降低多少种子,每荚果在台南9月,以及有多少豆荚%植物在SK队38 .种子干重沮丧多于荚果干重,使双方钙
和B的缺陷严重抑郁炮击% .与补充钙,台南9月作出回应,上下级的B比SK队38 ,达到最高的种子干重于0.12千克b公顷- 1 .在这个水平低的B , SK队38取得了只有一半的种子干重的台南9 .但SK队38继续作出回应增加
各级二至2公斤公顷-1 ,生产的最高种子产量的40 % ,高于台南9 .结果表明,如果所有其他营养素足够, SK队38将产生优于台南九月在土壤中与高b ,但差在土壤中与低乙的影响,这些研究结果为遴选花生
花生是广泛生长在热带和亚热带地区,往往是在沙质土壤中低水平的核证机关或乙(考克斯等人, 1982年) .在东北地区的泰国,这是生长在沙质土壤中,农民谁用很少的肥料,空豆荚或豆荚与shrivelled种子是常见的问题,在花生( oae ,
1987年) .问题似乎更为严重,在品种与三种子每荚比与2种子每荚( toomsan ,个人COM的munication ) .荚果加油站在花生是众所周知的强烈压抑不足,钙在土壤中
(考克斯等人, 1982年) .对这样的土壤,应用十分普遍增加种子产量,但在泰国,土地处理的花生与CA已发出不一致的结果(粮农组织, 1973年) .在工作报告由粮农组织,没有微营养素显示方式-再培训计划包括与基底的养分.小组
后续的研究显示, b缺点是较为普遍的在泰国( keerati - kasikorn等人, 1987 ; 1988 ; netsangtip等人, 1987年; rerkasem等人, 1988年) ,与应用的B肥料对花生作物增加种子产量,品质和大小( keerati - kasikorn等人, 1987年;
1988年; rerkasem等人, 1988年) .