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综合拓展 下列每个句子中均有一处错误,请指出并改正 (今天就需要,请知道者马上告诉我,定当万分感谢)

来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 01:26:40
综合拓展 下列每个句子中均有一处错误,请指出并改正 (今天就需要,请知道者马上告诉我,定当万分感谢)
1.I knew Jim when we were still children.
2.I was about to start out for exercise while it started to rain.
3.She must know you well,but I’m not sure about it .but I’m not sure about it .
4.You can borrow this book for 14 days.
5.She looked angry at the broken vase.
6.-May I try out the T-shirt?
-Sure,the dressing room is over there.
7.The Second World War happened 1939.
8.Turn left at the end of the street.The post office is on the right ,and you can’t lose it.
9.Does he his homework after school every day
10.The chicken you cooked was tasted delicious.
综合拓展 下列每个句子中均有一处错误,请指出并改正 (今天就需要,请知道者马上告诉我,定当万分感谢)
4.You can borrow(改为keep) this book for 14 days.
7.The Second World War happened (j加in)1939.
10.The chicken you cooked (不要was )tasted delicious.
9.Does he (加do)his homework after school every day ?
6.-May I try (删out) the T-shirt?
-Sure, the dressing room is over there
2.I was about to start out for exercise while it started(改为starting) to rain.
1.I knew(改为know) Jim when we were still children.
3.She must(改为may) know you well, but I’m not sure about it .but I’m not sure about it
8.Turn left at the end of the street. The post office is on the right , and you can’t(改为won’ t) lose it
5.She looked angry(angrily) at the broken vase觉得不错欢迎加分