作业帮 > 英语 > 作业


来源:学生作业帮 编辑:神马作文网作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2024/09/24 09:20:36
明天要的了 求求了

  There 's a little boy who is in his family is quite poor .Reluctantly ,the responsibility of supporting the entire family rely on a small amount of income of his father .

  the poor little boy ,it is destined to be differ from other children in his childhood .because his mother have been gravely ill .his father have to go work outside ,However,like other children ,his own ideals,his dream is to become an artist ,he is fond of drawing .His father .as a man of spirit and father ,he would never say die .In work time ,he studies and works actively everyday in order to get the opportunity to be rich someday ;in family time ,he need to take care of his wife and educate his son how to be a real man and observe the trends of life .

  In this family background ,the little boy have been under the influence of his parents and the formation of a good quality of hard-working and saving ,at the same time ,he has a profound understanding of the hearts of his parents .

英语翻译有一个小男孩,家里非常穷,仅靠他父亲少量的收入,勉强维持整个家的生活.一天老师让学生写一篇作文,是关于自己梦想的 阅读题答案:守护梦想一名男子给小朋友们讲了这样一个故事:从前有个小男孩,他的父亲是个收入微薄的人,只能勉强维持全家的生计 老师要求我们写一篇关于自己的故事的作文.让更多人认识自己 英语文 多年前,有一位中学老师让他的学生给未来的自己写一封信,在信中写下自己的梦想.多年后,很 求一篇英语作文:我的父亲是一名工人,以下是他一天的生活信息,请你根据所提供的信息,写篇80词作文 关于梦想的作文怎么写我要写一篇作文,关于自己的梦想,我的梦想是成为奥运健儿,请问应该怎么写? 英语翻译这是一个年仅5岁,正在幼儿园上学的小男孩.他内心早熟,喜欢向大姐姐搭讪.最初他与父亲野原广志和母亲野原美伢组成一 求大家帮我写一篇作文材料:一位同学家里特别困难,全家就靠母亲微薄的工资维持生活,最近她母亲不幸患病住进了医院.消息传来后 一篇自己写的作文,初一的学生,老师让修改,各位大神看看该如何改. 写一篇关于我的梦想是老师的英语作文? 我是一名初一的学生,老师让写一篇关于精神文明的作文,我该怎么写? 老师让我写一篇赞美自己善良的作文,给我一些生活事例,不要XXXX年XX获得了XX奖他很善良.什么的!